new cases and deaths today, October 13


With those figures from the beginning of the second week of October, Colombia reached 924,098 COVID-19 cases in total and remains the fifth country in the world with the most infections.

Above are only the United States (7,847,714), India (7,175,880), Brazil (5,103,408) and Russia (1,318,783).

In addition, it reached 28,141 deaths, and is ranked 11th among the nations that have lost the most lives due to the pandemic. Colombia has also had 806,703 recovered, which means it has 87,160 active cases.

According to the Ministry of Health, 32,632 samples were processed in the last hours, 20,659 were PCR and 11,973 were antigen. Also, already there are 1,490 sources of contagion Throughout the national territory.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, October 13:

Bogotá continues to be the city with the most infections and this Tuesday it reported 1,461, then there is Antioquia with 1,030. Valle (364), Santander (276), Meta (207) and Cundinamarca (206) also appear on the list.

Further down are Huila (194, Tolima (187), Boyacá (157), Caldas (140), Cauca (113) and for under a hundred cases Quindío (97), Córdoba (74), Cesar and Santa Marta (64), Barranquilla (59), Nariño (53), Cartagena and Casanare (42), Magdalena and Norte de Santander (37), La Guajira appeared in this bulletin (26), Caquetá (22), Atlántico (16), Risaralda (14), Sucre (11) and Arauca (10).

Finally, the regions that close the list are Bolívar (5); Guaviare, Putumayo, Vichada (2) and San Andrés (1).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, October 13:

According to official data, the 156 reported are distributed as follows: August one deceased; September 4 and October 151. That means of the total confirmed this Tuesday, 128 correspond to previous days.

On the other hand, Today’s death distribution left Antioquia and Bogotá with 26 new victims, then Santander (12), Tolima and Valle del Cauca (10), Huila (8), Cesar and Cundinamarca (7), Norte de Santander (6); Caquetá, La Guajira, Meta and Quindío (5), Córdoba and Risaralda (4); Atlántico, Barranquilla, Boyacá, Caldas, Casanare and Nariño (2); Cartagena, Cauca, Putumayo and Sucre (1).

Further, By age, the deaths occurred as follows:
– 0 to 19 years: no person.
– 20 to 29 years old: 3 people.
– 30 to 39 years: one person.
– 40 to 49 years: 10 people.
– 50 to 59 years: 18 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 37 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 38 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 28 people.
– More than 90 years: 21 people.

Finally, according to these data, the youngest person to die today was a 20-year-old woman in Buga (Valle) with the comorbidities under study and the oldest were two 98-year-old men, one of them lived in Mocoa (Putumayo) and suffered from hypertension and cardiovascular disease; the other victim still has a medical history under study and died in Barbosa (Santander).

This is the report of the day:
