new cases and deaths today, November 23


With those figures for the third week of October, Colombia reached 1,254,979 COVID-19 cases in total and remains the ninth country in the world with the most infections. Above are the United States, India, Brazil, France, Russia, Spain, England, Italy and Argentina.

In addition, it reached 35,479 deaths, and is in the 13th position of the nations that have lost the most lives due to the pandemic. Colombia has also had 1,158,897 recovered, which means that it has 57,753 active cases.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, November 23:

In this bulletin the ‘top 3’ of infections from last Saturday was repeated. Antioquia returned to first place with 1,116, Valle was second with 757 and Bogotá third with 705.

It is the second time in recent months that the capital has dropped a thousand cases, since on Saturday it had reported 904. However, on Sunday, November 22, it reached a very high figure: 2,588.

Below were Tolima (468), Cundinamarca (446), Caldas (352), Santander (288), Norte de Santander (260), Huila (246), Boyacá (245), Risaralda (208), Cartagena (179), Nariño (169), Barranquilla (146), Quindío (138), Meta (121), Cesar (114) and Santa Marta (110).

Finally, the regions that close the list with less than a hundred patients today are Casanare (84), Atlántico (78), La Guajira (74), Caquetá and Magdalena (51), Cauca (38), Córdoba and Sucre (29) , Putumayo (22), Arauca and Bolívar (12), Chocó and Guaviare (6), San Andrés and Vaupés (1).


Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, November 23:

According to official data, the 192 reported in November died this month, although 166 correspond to days before this Monday.

On the other hand, Today’s distribution of deaths left Bogotá with 42 new victims, 28 in Antioquia and 26 in Valle.

Then there are Norte de Santander (12), Huila and Quindío (10), Caldas (9); Cundinamarca, Santander and Tolima (8); Risaralda (6), Barranquilla and Boyacá (4), Cartagena (3); Atlántico, Caquetá, Casanare, Cauca, Córdoba and Sucre (2); Arauca and Cesar (1).

Further, By age, the deaths occurred as follows:
– 0 to 29 years: no person.
– 30 to 39 years: 6 people.
– 40 to 49 years: 3 people.
– 50 to 59 years: 17 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 43 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 50 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 58 people.
– More than 90 years: 15 people.

Finally, according to these data, the youngest person to die today were two men in their 30s, one in Armenia who suffered from hypertension, a cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and cancer, and another in Bogotá with the comorbidities under study. And the oldest was a 101-year-old woman in Manizales with hypertension.

This is the report of the day and how all the figures are distributed in the country:
