new cases and deaths today, November 13


With these figures, Colombia closes the second week of November with 1,182,697 COVID-19 cases in total and it is the ninth country in the world with the most infections. Above are the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, Spain, England and Argentina, in that order.

In addition, it reached 33,669 deaths, and is in the 12th position of the nations that have lost the most lives due to the pandemic. Colombia also has 1,089,340 recovered, which means that there are 56,997 active cases.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, November 13:

Antioquia rebounded as the region with the most infections and this Friday it reported 1,710, then there is Bogotá with 1,443. In this bulletin the third was again Valle with 898.

A little lower were Caldas (647), Santander (537), Tolima (486), Cundinamarca (482), Huila (315), Cartagena (257), Boyacá (217), Risaralda (209), Norte de Santander (187 ), Barranquilla (163), Cesar and Quindío (148), Meta (141) and Santa Marta (114). The other departments registered less than 100 cases.


Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, November 13:

According to official data, of the 178 reported today, 157 correspond to previous days.

On the other hand, Today’s distribution of deaths left Antioquia and Bogotá with 33 new victims. There are also Valle del Cauca (24), Huila (13), Meta (10), Caldas and Santander (8), Boyacá (7); Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander and Tolima (6), Risaralda (4), Cauca and Cesar (3); Caquetá, Cartagena, La Guajira and Nariño (1); and with one victim, Amazonas, Arauca, Barranquilla, Bolívar, Córdoba and Sucre were reported.

This is the report of the day and how all the figures are distributed in the country:
