new cases and deaths today, November 10


In the second week of November, Colombia remains the ninth country in the world with the most infections, reaching 1,156,675 cases of COVID-19. Above are the United States, India, Brazil, France, Russia, Spain, Argentina and England, in that order.

Further, There are already 33,148 victims left by the virus and 1,059,237 recovered. In this sense, the country registers 61,714 active cases on day 249 of the pandemic.

Today’s new patients were detected by testing 49,438 samples (27,707 PCR tests and 21,731 antigen tests). Throughout the national territory there are also 1,537 sources of contagion identified by the health authorities.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, November 10:

Today Antioquia was the most affected region and registered 1,630 new infections. The ‘top 3’ closed above a thousand cases with Bogotá (1,613) and Valle (1,616).

With many less cases are Caldas (521), Cundinamarca (316), Santander (281), Boyacá (215), Quindío (182), Meta (161), Cauca (148), Tolima (142), Norte de Santander (140), Córdoba ( 128), Risaralda (121), Huila (118) and Santa Marta (112).

Y below one hundred appeared Cartagena (85), Barranquilla (84), Cesar (81), Atlántico (55), Casanare (52), Caquetá (45), Nariño (41), Sucre (36), Arauca (27), La Guajira (21 ), Bolívar (14), Magdalena (8), Putumayo (7), Guaviare (4), Amazonas and Guainía (3), San Andrés and Vaupés (1).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, November 10:

158 of the 174 deaths reported today correspond to previous days; one died in August, 3 in September, 11 in October and 159 in the month of November.

In this report, Bogotá registered 39 victims, and then there were Antioquia with 26, Valle del Cauca (18), Huila (14), Santander (12), Cundinamarca and Quindío (9), Boyacá and Caldas (8), Tolima (7) , Norte de Santander (5), Caquetá and Cesar (3), Cartagena and Risaralda (2).

And with one victim, Arauca, Atlántico, Barranquilla, Cauca, La Guaviare, Guaviare, Meta, Nariño and Santa Marta appeared in the report.

Meanwhile, by age, the victims were distributed as follows:
– 0 to 9 years: 3 people.
– 10 to 19 years: 2 people.
– 20 to 29 years: no person.
– 30 to 39 years: 5 people.
– 40 to 49 years: 6 people.
– 50 to 59 years: 10 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 41 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 45 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 52 people.
– More than 90 years: 10 people.

Among those under 9 years of age, the youngest to die was a 4-month-old baby suffering from cardiovascular disease who lived in Oporapa (Huila), also a 5-year-old girl in Florencia (Caquetá) and a 6-year-old boy in Neiva (Huila) that have the comorbidities under study.

But they were not the only minors, also a 14-year-old teenager in Bogotá who had epilepsy and, finally, a 19-year-old in Soacha with a medical history under study. And the oldest was a 96-year-old man in Bogotá who had kidney disease.

This is the updated newsletter from cases of coronavirus in Colombia and its distribution in each department:
