new cases and deaths today, December 22


With those figures for the fourth week of October, Colombia reached 1,530,593 COVID-19 cases in total and remains the 12th country in the world with the most infections. Above are the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, England, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Germany and Argentina, in that order.

In addition, it reached 40,931 deaths, and it is also in the 12th position of the nations that have lost the most lives due to the pandemic. Colombia has also had 1,394,374 recovered, which means it has 91,129 active cases.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, December 22:

In this newsletter, Bogotá (3,439) went back to Antioquia (1,944) and Valle remains in third place with 801 new infections.

Below were Tolima (745), Cartagena (732), Barranquilla (586), Santander (518), Cundinamarca (495), Risaralda (323), Norte de Santander (314), Cesar (245), Caldas (242), Quindío (241), Atlántico (238), Boyacá (229), Huila (210), Cauca (209), Meta (207), Nariño (143), Santa Marta (119), La Guajira (113) and Caquetá (104 ).

The other cities reported less than one hundred cases: Córdoba (90), Bolívar (50), Putumayo (43), Casanare (38), Magdalena (34), Sucre (31), Arauca (16), Amazonas (11), Chocó (10), Vichada (3), San Andrés (2) and Vaupés (1).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, December 22:

According to official data, the 251 reported today died this month, although 219 correspond to days before this Tuesday.

The victims were distributed by regions like this:

  • Bogota: 56
  • Antioquia: 28
  • Tolima: 25
  • North of Santander: 24
  • Valley: 21
  • Quindío: 12
  • Cundinamarca and Santander: 11
  • Narino: 9
  • Risaralda: 8
  • Barranquilla and Meta: 6
  • Caldas: 5
  • Atlántico, Cartagena and Huila: 4
  • Boyacá, Cauca, Cesar: 3
  • Caquetá and Córdoba: 2
  • La Guajira, San Andrés, Santa Marta and Sucre: 1

The youngest person to die, according to this report was a one-year-old baby in Santuario (Antioquia) and the oldest was a 95-year-old man in Pereira (Risaralda), both with the background under study.

According to that, by ages, the victims were distributed as follows:

0 to 9 years a person
10 to 19 years anyone
20 to 29 years 4 people
30 to 39 years 8 people
40 to 49 years 10 persons
50 to 59 years 43 persons
60 to 69 years 43 persons
70 to 79 years 74 people
80 to 89 years 55 people
Over 90 years 13 persons

This is the updated bulletin of coronavirus cases in Colombia today and its distribution in each department:
