new cases and deaths today, December 21


Colombia fell to the tenth country in the world with the most infections, reaching 1,518,067 cases of COVID-19. Above are the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, England, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Argentina and Germany, in that order.

Further, There are already 40,680 victims left by the virus and 1,382,340 recovered.

In this sense, the country registers 90,945 active cases on the day. A high number compared to the previous week, since on December 14, 69,833 were reported.

Today’s new patients were detected by testing 47,447 samples (28,584 PCR tests and 18,863 antigen tests).

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, December 21:

In the bulletin of the day, Antioquia came to the fore with 2,011 infections and then there is Bogotá with 1,217. Valle, for its part, reported 860 and Tolima approached that number with 851. Norte de Santander also rose to 700 new patients and Risaralda to 605.

With less cases they are Cundinamarca (576), Cartagena (511), Santander (493), Caldas (396), Barranquilla (382), Atlántico and Nariño (307 each), Quindío (260), Boyacá (247), Meta (226) , Huila (186), Caquetá (130), Santa Merta (110) and La Guajira (103).

AND below a hundred Cesar (99), Putumayo (52), Cauca (46), Sucre (39), Casanare (33), Bolívar (29), Magdalena (23), Guaviare (15), Córdoba (14), Chocó (8) appeared , Vichada (4), Arauca (3), Amazonas and San Andrés (1 each).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, December 21:

The death toll from the disease was 205; 170 of those victims belong to days before this Monday like this: one died in September, 4 in October, 3 in November and 199 in December.

The victims were distributed by regions like this:

  • Bogota: 48
  • Valley: 22
  • Antioquia: 20
  • North of Santander: 18
  • Santander: 15
  • Tolima: 13
  • Cundinamarca: 10
  • Quindío: 9
  • Risaralda: 8
  • Caldas: 6
  • Barranquilla and Boyacá: 5
  • Córdoba and Nariño: 4
  • Atlantic, Caquetá, Cauca, La Guajira: 3
  • Cesar: 2
  • Cartagena, Casanare, Huila, Magdalena, Meta and Putumayo: 1

The youngest person to die, according to this report, was a man in his early 20s in Bogotá who suffered from hypertension and diabetes, and the oldest was a 103-year-old woman in Valledupar with a medical history under study.

According to that, by ages, the victims were distributed as follows:

0 to 9 years anyone
10 to 19 years anyone
20 to 29 years 2 people
30 to 39 years 2 people
40 to 49 years 7 people
50 to 59 years 15 people
60 to 69 years 49 people
70 to 79 years 53 persons
80 to 89 years 62 people
Over 90 years 17 people

This is the updated bulletin of coronavirus cases in Colombia today and its distribution in each department:
