new cases and deaths in Colombia today September 28


These new patients were detected thanks to the 31,258 samples that were processed in the last hours, 24,867 were PCR and 6,391 were antigen.

For Colombia this represents that on the 206th day since the pandemic reached the country, it reached 818,203 COVID-19 infections. 25,641 of that total died and 722,536 have recovered. There are currently 68,308 active cases.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, September 28

Although on Sunday Antioquia ranked first on the list of infections, this Monday it fell to third place with only 417 new cases and gave way for Valle to be second with 556.

Bogotá was once again the most affected city in one day and had 1,303 new patients. The capital reached 265,576 cases in total.

Then came Metra (284), Cundinamarca (217), Córdoba (200), San Andrés (198), Quindío (172), Huila (151), Tolima (147), Caldas (146), Boyacá (142), Santander (136), Casanare (130) and Risaralda (117).

Below one hundred cases were Guainía (95), Cesar (89), Norte de Santander (80), Cauca (78), Nariño (60), Santa Marta (54), La Guajira (45), Barranquilla (44) , Cartagena (43), Vichada (42), Atlántico (40), Magdalena (33), Caquetá (28), Putumayo (23), Bolívar (22), Guaviare (16), Sucre (12), Vaupés (11) , Tolima (6), Chocó and Arauca (5).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, September 28

Of the 153 deaths of the day, 130 belong to previous days, according to the Ministry of Health.

In addition, despite the fact that Antioquia fell in new cases, it was in the first place of victims and had 21 in this report. Then there were Santander and Valle with 17 dead each; while Bogotá reported 13 deaths.

Then there were Cesar (11), Huila (10), Córdoba and Cundinamarca (9), Tolima and Norte de Santander (7), Santa Marta and Risaralda (4); Nariño, Arauca, Boyacá and La Guajira (3); Atlántico, Cauca and Barranquilla (2), and with one victim, Guaviare, Caquetá, Meta, Magdalena, Putumayo and Caldas appeared in the report.

Meanwhile, the youngest person to die was a 23-year-old in Cáceres (Antioquia) and the oldest was a 96-year-old man in Ibagué (Tolima), both with the comorbidities under study. Furthermore, the victims were distributed by age as follows:

– 0 to 19 years: no person.
– 20 to 29 years: 2 people.
– 30 to 39 years: 4 people.
– 40 to 49 years: one person.
– 50 to 59 years: 19 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 40 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 48 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 30 people.
– More than 90 years: 9 people.

This is today’s newsletter:
