new cases and deaths in Colombia, September 25


With these numbers, the health authority reported that the country has a total of 798,317 COVID-19 cases, 25,103 victims and 687,477 recovered; that is to say that there is 84,073 active cases.

In the last hours, 36,467 tests were processed, 24,727 of them were PCR and the remaining 11,740 were antigen.

Although there are fewer patients still fighting the disease than at the beginning of this week, this Friday almost 1,000 more cases were reported than the previous day (6,555) and that is why the authorities recommend not to lower your guard.

New cases of coronavirus in Colombia today, September 25

Bogotá remains at the top of the list with 1,549 new infections, followed by Antioquia with 1,298 and Valle is far behind in third place with 573.

The rest of the report places Cesar (434), Santander (359), Huila (312), Risaralda (275), Cundinamarca (257), Meta (248), Quindío (194), Caquetá (166), Tolima (163) , Boyacá (156), Caldas (155), Córdoba (148), Norte de Santander (145), Cauca (141), Nariño (131) and Casanare (124).

And below the hundred cases are Magdalena (83), La Guajira (80), Barranquilla (77), Atlántico (59), Santa Marta (55), Guaviare (54), Bolívar (51), Cartagena (50), Sucre (41), San Andrés (38), Arauca (28), Putumayo and Vaupés (17), Guainía (7), Chocó (5) and Vichada (4).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, September 25

Of the 179 victims reported this Friday, 169 are from previous days. Specifically, June 7, July 2 and the rest of September, which until now are confirmed as deaths due to the disease.

38 of them were in the capital, 20 in Valle del Cauca and 13 in Santander. In addition, there were deaths in Antioquia (11), Cesar and Cundinamarca (10), Huila (9), Tolima (8), Norte de Santander and Atlántico (7), Risaralda and Meta (6), Cauca (5), Barranquilla and Caldas (4), Nariño and Boyacá (3); Casanare, La Guajira, Caquetá and Putumayo (2); Santa Marta, Bolívar, Vaupés, Guaviare, Córdoba, Arauca and Magdalena (1).

In addition, a baby of just 8 months was among the victims and also 2 young people between 20 and 29 years old. In the other age groups, the victims were distributed as follows:

– 30 to 39 years: 4 people
– 40 to 49 years: 11 people
– 50 to 59 years: 17 people
– 60 to 69 years: 34 people
– 70 to 79 years: 55 people
– 80 to 89 years: 47 people
– More than 90 years: 8 people

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