Network of alleged taxi drivers who abused women falls


A woman I just wanted to take a taxi to go on an errand, but ended up being the victim of a violent episode of theft and attempted sexual abuse.

“On Friday, February 5, I was in race 47 with Cordiality and there I took the taxi, a ‘zapatico’ who had dark glasses. I got in and saw that the taxi driver had dilated pupils. He stopped at a gas station and at that moment another guy got on, but everything went very fast and I couldn’t do anything, ”the young woman told this medium.

She would be one of, at least, 10 victims of three alleged taxi drivers who took passengers and in the middle of the tours, they apparently took advantage to rob them and sexually abuse them in Barranquilla and its metropolitan area.

The victim said that in the middle of the struggle he was unable to open the vehicle’s doors since they “were bolted and could only be opened from the outside.”

“They wrapped tape around my face and there I kept struggling. My nails fell off from the fight because they had more strength. They only managed to loosen the strap I was wearing, ”he said.

He claimed that for a moment he lost consciousness and she only remembers when they found her abandoned on 30th Street, in a lonely area.
