Netflix will make series based on work by García Márquez


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The top story of the winner of the Colombian Nobel Prize in Literature arrives for the first time on the streaming screen with the executive production of his sons Rodrigo and Gonzalo García Barcha.

The streaming platform Netflix announced that it will produce the series “One Hundred Years of Solitude” based on the work of Gabriel García Márquez. During the eighth edition of the Gabo Festival in Colombia, Rodrigo García Barcha, son of the Nobel, film and television director and who will be the producer of the series along with his brother Gonzalo gave some clues and conditions. Among them, it will be recorded in Colombia and in Spanish. The adaptation can be seen in two seasons, in total twenty hours and the structural changes will be very few.

For the director of films such as “Last Days in the Desert” or “10 Little Love Stories”, among others, adapting books to the cinema is difficult beyond the density of the work. The characters speak little and when they do it is poetic and forceful. However, in this case it will not be a documentary, but a fictional story about the book.

Despite the fact that there were several occasions in which an attempt was made to bring this masterpiece to the big screen, the efforts were in vain, since García Márquez himself considered that the depth of his work could not be captured in such a short time. The release date has not yet been confirmed, although it is expected to be released during the first quarter of the year as one of the great Netflix premieres. (We recommend: Sexuality and eroticism in “One Hundred Years of Solitude”).

Along with the advertisement a short film was published in which flying butterflies and a lush tropical forest are portrayed. “Welcome to Macondo”, the mythical imaginary town where the novel takes place, indicates a legend while listening to a guitar.

It is not the first time that Netflix has recorded series in Colombia with a Colombian cast. Among those it has produced are: “Wild district”, “Always a witch”, “Green border”, “History of a crime: Colmenares” and “Narcos.

The book “One Hundred Years of Solitude” was published for the first time on May 30, 1967 by the Editorial Sudamericana of Argentina after its rejection by the Catalan Seix Barral. The 700-page, 20-chapter work tells the story of Macondo and the Buendía family over seven generations, beginning with the patriarch José Arcadio Buendía and his cousin and wife Úrsula Iguarán. A book that blends fantasy and reality. García Márquez was the first to include magical realism in Colombia with this work that he wrote for eighteen months. (You may be interested: Ariana Grande will premiere the documentary “excuse me, I love you” on December 21, 2020).
