“Ñeñe” Hernández was scheduled to visit Congress from Álvaro Uribe Vélez’s office


The visit of “Ñeñe” Hernández was scheduled for May 18, 2016, however, he did not enter the Capitol.

On May 18, 2016, José “Ñeñe” Hernández, the rancher who was the center of the scandal known as the “ñeñepolítica” in 2020, who was assassinated a year earlier and whose conversations revealed his alleged contributions “under the table” to President Iván Duque’s campaign in 2018 was scheduled to visit the Congress of the Republic from the office of the then senator of the Álvaro Uribe Vélez Democratic Center.

This is revealed by a report known for The viewer, which documents how, as it appears in the records of the Congress visitation system, that May 18, 2016 a scheduling was carried out, a step prior to a visit, and that the user code used to request it corresponded to that of the senator’s office. Uribe. However, the same document adds that the visit was not carried out, as there is no evidence of Hernández’s entry into the Capitol. The “Ñeñe” Hernández, according to the organization charts of the Prosecutor’s Office, was accused of being the financial arm of Marquitos Figueroa, accused of several crimes, such as drug trafficking, illegal possession of weapons, gasoline smuggling, hit man services in La Guajira, extortion, selective homicides and conspiracy to commit a crime.

It may interest you: The complete audio that originated the “Ñeñepolítica” scandal

The information on the scheduling of the visit of “Ñeñe” to Congress came to light due to previous requests made by the Attorney General’s Office since March and June 2020, regarding the search for the name of José Guillermo Hernández Aponte in the bases of data from the Congress Welcome Server program. On January 21, 2021, the Public Ministry reiterated its request and, by expanding the search ranges and query methods, the information was corroborated.

In a letter addressed to the administrative general director of the Senate, Astrid Salamanca Rahin, the legal representation of the company Best Technologies SAS, which carries out maintenance and technical support to the Welcome Server scheduling system of Congress, specified that the scheduling for the Hernández’s visit was made by the user with a unique code in the system number 100211 and the identification card corresponding to the then senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez.

The result of this new investigation revealed the scheduling, “which is the step prior to a visit,” says the report. It adds that this was carried out on May 18, 2016, however, according to the system’s records, the visit was not completed.

“There is no evidence that ‘(…) Mr. José Guillermo Hernández Aponte, identified with the citizenship card 77.020.773…’ has entered the Capitol building using the biometrics that are at the entrance of the building at the control point of the National Police ”, indicates the document known by The viewer.

Consulted by this newspaper, the former president and senator Álvaro Uribe denied that he had scheduled any visit related to “Ñeñe” Hernández. “I never authorized the entry of Mr. Hernández to Congress. Nor did I meet with him in Congress or anywhere. I never had a relationship with him, beyond the greeting and social photos in massive events in which I greeted hundreds of compatriots, “said the ex-president.

See the full document

The complaint

Since March 2020, the representative of the Green Alliance, Fabián Díaz Plata, had warned that “Ñeñe” Hernández had been scheduled for a visit in Congress. However, in the responses it initially received from congressional administrative officials, it was not determined who and on what date that scheduling was given.

Read also: Who invited “Ñeñe” Hernández to Congress and why?

“I filed a request with the Chamber’s Planning and Systems Office to inform me on what dates and at what time Mr. José Guillermo Hernández Aponte entered. I also requested to be informed from which congressional office it was scheduled. I made this request in the exercise of political control, since in front of the aforementioned subject, different entities are investigating interceptions that compromise several Colombians, members of the Public Force and former officials, ”Díaz said at the time.

The scandal of the “ñeñepolítica”, with accusations to the campaign of today’s president Iván Duque Márquez for allegedly buying votes in the Caribbean, specifically in La Guajira, brought out the enigmatic figure of José Guillermo Hernández Aponte, known as the “Ñeñe ”, A Cesar rancher accused of drug trafficking, who was murdered in Brazil in 2019 in the middle of a robbery. Justice investigations have revealed that Hernández was closely linked with the La Guajira mafias.

Hernández’s name was used in the investigation into the murder of Óscar Rodríguez Pomar. According to what the authorities have been able to determine so far, the “Ñeñe” had to answer for a debt of $ 1,000 million to Carlos Rodríguez, a renowned tailor of Vallenato artists. In order not to pay him, Hernández would have ordered Rodríguez Sr. to be killed but the hit men would have made a mistake and killed Óscar, who was driving his father’s car that day
