Nelson Ramos gave details of the third free kick goal in three consecutive games | Colombian Soccer | Betplay tournament


Nelson Ramos was masterful in his free kick collection with Boca Juniors de Cali against Valledupar, for the third day of the Betplay Tournament. The goalkeeper scored his third goal of the year, all from a free kick, and in three consecutive games. His feat resounds on social networks and his monumental goal, from the opposite field, steals all the applause.

The Pagan goalkeeper spoke of his goal with a historical tinge, in a talk with FUTBOLRED. Did he kick at the bow or did he seek the heads of his companions? …

The first thing to note is that Nelson Ramos entered the history of world football with his third free-kick goal in three consecutive games. On date 1 of the Tournament he did it against Atlético FC, then in the second he scored it against Barranquilla and this Sunday he did it again, for the discount with Valledupar.

“It has been a beautiful opportunity because there has been work done, this kicking free throws is not overnight. I have dedicated myself and have scored goals for many years, but fortunately in the last three games I have been able to help my team in a different situation than goal, “he said, acknowledging that on the next date he will look for a new opportunity to score.

Regarding the goal, Ramos resolved the doubt about whether he looked for the goal or did it as a center to find the head of a teammate: “The result was adverse and the team had done a great job, but it was not happening to us. I saw that foul almost on the half court, I wanted to take advantage of the wind. I was going to shoot at goal, but with the intention that the players would accompany, whether they did it head-on or the ball passed. Fortunately, he was very powerful and was able to enter the goal ”.

Nelson, 39, has 10 goals in his professional career (two with Pasto, one with América, two with Millonarios, two with Fortaleza and three with Boca Juniors de Cali). When asked about his most important goal, he acknowledged that this Sunday, it became a very special one: “this last goal is a very important part, because of what it means for my career and for Colombian football. With this goal, Colombia may be named ”, and he also referred to the distance from which he kicked. He did it from the opposite field. “It was before half the court and it is the first time I have scored a goal from there.”

The dedication was very special. His father is struggling to overcome Covid-19. So he asked for prayers for his health. “My father is a little in poor health due to the Covid issue, fortunately he is stable but he could not watch the game. He is a person who has accompanied me and sent me a message, which had given him great joy to see the news. Hopefully this is an impulse so that I can leave the clinic and be at home with my mother ”.

Regarding the goals marked by Nelson Ramos, the goalkeeper mentioned two others that have been important in his career and that would place them in a Top 3, if he had to choose: “I remember a lot the goal I made with Fortaleza against Cortuluá. or less 25 meters, which was the third best goal in South America. In my Top 3 there would also be the first goal, the one I made with Deportivo Pasto, who broke the ice so that Nelson Ramos would make himself known in that part of the free throws ”.

Precisely about that first goal, he recalled: “in 2008 with Deportivo Pasto, I made my first goal; It was against Equidad, with a very difficult distance and thanks to a great friend who was with me in the Pasture, who gave me that push, because I didn’t want to kick. After ten years, a goal from a free kick had not been scored and it served to encourage goalkeepers to take free kicks ”.

This Sunday, because of his third goal with the Valle del Cauca team, many remembered the historic Rogerio Ceni, who scored four in three games in line, but it was two penalties and two free throws. “Rogerio Ceni is someone I admire, not only for his goals but because he is a champion, a benchmark and very serious in goal. I am your follower, I hope that with this recognition you can seek to send me a greeting. For me it would be a huge joy because I admire him a lot ”.

Regarding his future, Nelson is very happy in the institution that opened the door for him in 2019, when he was without a team after leaving Altético Bucaramanga. “I will continue with Boca, I have a one-year contract with the club. They have opened doors for me and my teammates have helped me to be at a high level. The B Tournament is very difficult, but thank God I have been training and preparing. The idea is to help us as a group. Hopefully we can qualify for the finals ”.

Do you see yourself back in first class? Without a doubt you dream about it and before thinking about your retirement, it is something you would like to live again. “Only God can know about my reality. I have been working at the club for a year and I wait for 2022 to see if I am still here or the opportunity opens up in the A. Logically as a professional player I would like to be able to return, to a team where you are fond of. Now I worry about Boca and I want to leave everything for this club, which received me when I was without a team ”.
