Neither Millonarios, nor River Plate: Falcao would retire at Inter Miami


Radamel Falcao García surprised this Saturday after appearing in an extensive dialogue with Mexican speaker Daniel Habif, who also interviewed James Rodríguez and Arturo Vidal in recent weeks.

The Colombian forward answered various details of his sports career and something that generated quite a few reactions were the clues he gave about his future, first regarding where his career as a professional footballer would end and then about what will do as a former player.

Also read: Falcao spoke of everything: James, the ‘Pibe’, Asprilla and the injury that left him without a World Cup

“Not for now, but he did ask me what I’m going to do… I would like to create a certain number of businesses that can be in charge of them, or if not, carry out an activity related to football, “he said about whether he has thought about his future.

About being a coach, Falcao also spoke: “No, technical no, not keep traveling … Or prepare to be part of a team in the leadership. Or also, with the experience I’ve had, managing the careers of some players, it can be. “

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Meanwhile, regarding his sporting future, he implied that he would like to retire in the United States, where he has already been tempted on several occasions: “I have two more years of contract (in Galatasaray) … but I would like in Miami, it is close to Colombia, from Barranquilla it is an hour and a half “.

It should be noted that Falcao García’s chances of retiring in Millonarios (club of which he claims to be a fan) or in River Plate (His first team in the first division where he was an idol). However, he would opt for the comforts of the United States MLS, where he is still sought after by Inter Miami, the club that David Beckham represents.
