National University: new admission format due to coronavirus pandemic – Education – Life


The National University of Colombia informed through Mario Alberto Pérez, National Director of Admissions, that the admission process for 2021-I will begin in mid-October 2020 and will run until mid-November.

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According to Pérez, this time there will be no admissions tests to reduce the risk of contagion of the new coronavirus and the Saber 11 tests will be used, which for the institution are comparable to its admission tests.

“A technical and academic guideline from Icfes informed us that all the tests that will be applied in October and November are totally comparable, and according to this premise we will have all applicants evaluated under the same conditions and criteria of equality,” explained the director.

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The tests to be taken into account must be from the second semester of 2014 onwards, as they are fully comparable with those planned for the second semester of 2020; of these the components of mathematics, science, social studies and critical reading will be evaluated.

The calendar for the admission process for the first semester of 2021 is expected to be available starting next week.

“The Icfes uses a matching technique that allows them to make the tests comparable, that is, as if all the applicants were in the same evaluation system, which avoids the university having to apply a second test that would require tripling the number of teachers and expand their spaces “, mentions Pérez.

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“Given the current health emergency circumstances around the world, we seek in some way to have the least possible impact on these processes, since it would be very difficult to adapt to the required capacity of tripling the number of spaces and teachers to apply the exam, and even more so make applicants attend a second test in such short times between one and the other, “explained Professor Pérez.

For their part, people interested in participating in the UNAL admission process who do not have a record of applying the Saber 11 tests from the second semester of 2014, must register and apply the corresponding test for this second semester of 2020, which will have a valid registration period until October 6.

National University

If the applicant has presented the Saber 11 test on more than one occasion, he will choose the SNP with which he wishes to present to UNAL.

Icfes registration, only requirement

Those who wish to enroll in the UNAL process must indicate the National Testing Service (SNP) registry, which is the number or code that the Icfes assigns to each person who presents the State exam.

This number, associated with the number of the identification document with which the Saber 11 test was presented, will allow the university to access the databases and extract the results of each of the components to perform the evaluation.

If the applicant has presented the Saber 11 test on more than one occasion, he will choose the SNP with which he wants to present himself to UNAL.

According to Professor Pérez, the calendar for the admission process for the first semester of 2021 is expected to be available starting next week.

“In general terms, the inscriptions will begin in the middle of October and would be finishing towards the middle of November. Then there would be a period of time in which specific validations and exams will be made for the Music program. As in December the results of the Saber 11 Test will be available, the information will be processed, and we hope that by January 15 we will have the list of the total admitted ”, details the manager.

Regarding enrollment in the special PAES and Peama programs, it will be done the same as with the curricular programs, and with the same evaluation criteria that have been used on previous occasions.

Enrollment postponed

The people who decided and reported the postponement of their participation in the admissions process for 2020-II will be able to present the registration code or pin prior to this new call, so they will only need to register.

Likewise, those who were not admitted for the 2020-II period must register again and cancel the required amount.

“It is important that all people, regardless of their situation, if they want to participate for the 2021-I period, they must complete their registration process according to the criteria already established”, concluded Professor Pérez.

With information from Unimedios

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