“My right foot will not work again”: Daniella Álvarez


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This was announced by the former Miss Colombia, who had part of her left leg amputated last June.

Former Miss Colombia Daniella Álvarez announced through her social networks that, after medical examinations, it was determined that her right foot “will not work again.” This, almost after six months of undergoing surgery in which part of his left leg was amputated.

It may interest you: Daniella Álvarez, the responsibility to inspire

“Today I know what my mission in life is and I understood that God is making my task a little more difficult to be able to show many people that what we have is more than enough to achieve what we set out to do,” Álvarez wrote .

She also said to be “happy and calm” because she is sure of her abilities: “I know that I am going to walk, dance and play sports again because for God there is nothing impossible and He never abandons me.”

He said that he will continue with his rehabilitation in the company of his loved ones.

Daniella Álvarez underwent surgery last June that she described as “simple”, to remove a mass lodged in the abdomen, a procedure that was complicated and triggered ischemia. It was necessary to go through more surgeries until, finally, the amputation of part of his limb.

After these complications, the followers of the former presenter of Super Regions Challenge they have highlighted its strength and inspiring power. “Now I understand that people follow me because I inspire and my responsibility is to inspire people who need it, because in the world we all suffer, not necessarily from amputations, but from emotional injuries, separations or because we lost someone important”, Álvarez has said, for whom dancing is one of the great passions.

This is the video that he shared in the last hours on his social networks.
