Mother of a nun kidnapped in Africa died awaiting her return – Cali – Colombia


“She got very tired of waiting for my sister”, says Professor Edgar Narváez sadly, having to tell the death of his mother Rosita Argoty Narváez, who even In her last moments of life, she kept the illusion of seeing her daughter, the Nariño nun Gloria Narváez, kidnapped on February 7, 2017, very close to Burkina Faso, in Africa.

Her death occurred at 87 years of age, in Pasto, at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, she did it in her five senses, she was very serene and even had time to say goodbye to her children Carlos, Carmenza, Gloria and Edgar; She also leaves behind two grandchildren, Daniel and Valentina, the teacher’s children.

The day before, on Sunday, as if sensing his death, he decided to say goodbye to his children with a heartfelt hug, then he wanted to listen to the Eucharist broadcast on television, perhaps, to thank God for so many years of life.

“She said goodbye, gave us a hug from mother to children and the next day she woke up badly, He lay down on the bed, blessed us and nothing else ”, affirms his first-born son about his last moments of life.

“She blessed us, she has already fulfilled her life cycle, she fulfilled her duty and thank God she went well, she did not suffer or make us suffer”, she acknowledges and reveals, furthermore, that when they looked at her mother they realized that already he was not in all his senses and that his agony was already a reality.

Although death is a difficult subject for many Catholics to understand, in the case of the educator, he describes the disappearance of his mother as “beautiful and calm”.

“She died as she wanted at home, in her bed and with her children. Yes, it was a natural death, a death that my God rewarded her for being good people in this world ”, she admits and later assures that “my mother hoped to see her return, to hug her and rest in peace but my God took her away before her time.”

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He always fueled his illusion of seeing his daughter kidnapped in a Malian village by members of the extremist group Al-Qaeda again, above all, he was very happy when he watched the video in which Gloria appears providing nursing services. That happened on July 13, 2018, it was the last known survival test for the family in Nariño.

Edgar believes that his sister’s long time in captivity and in a country so far away may have anticipated his mother’s death.

“In part yes, because she suffered a lot, she did not sleep, there were nights that she spent in white, she told me what will become of Gloria … that was a moral sadness,” she underlines and She also told him on several occasions that she had dreamed of the nun, who came to Nariño dressed in white, and assures her: “It was like a little angel who came to greet her, my mother was very Catholic, she prayed the rosary every day, she didn’t I could miss the six o’clock mass on television ”.

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It is in a border area

In the last months of her life, she knew that the nun was taking care of Muslims as a nurse, because the last information the family has is that she is alive, that she watches over the war wounded in Mali where there was a recent coup de state to the government, so the political situation in the country is delicate with the arrival of a military regime. But she is certain that she is on the border between Burkina Faso and Mali.

In order for their sister to find out about the unfortunate death of their mother in the city of Pasto, they went to a Spanish missionary priest who on the same Monday
He sent a message to the archbishop of the town of Karangasso, in the Republic of Mali, so that he would be the one to deliver the sad news.

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That is why, taking into account the difference of 8 hours between the continents, Edgar has the full assurance that the nun today already knows that her mother passed away.

Likewise, she trusts that this event can serve for the early release of the missionary religious and her return to her home. “I hope they release her, that this is a stepping stone and they have mercy,” he says.

For the time
