More than 50 neighborhoods of Barranquilla and Soledad, this Sunday without electricity


The Air-e company continues with the modernization of equipment and maintenance of networks to improve the electric power service in the metropolitan area.

In that sense, this Sunday it will advance in the project to modernize the Substation 20 de Julio, for which it has scheduled work between 5:00 am and 5:30 pm. In this period of time it will be necessary to suspend the operation of eight circuits, which implies the service interruption in more than 50 sectors of Barranquilla and Soledad.

These works will allow to offer a more reliable service to sectors of Soledad and some neighborhoods of Barranquilla, mainly located near the Metropolitan Stadium.

According to the manager of Air-e in the Atlantic, Ramiro Castilla Andrade Substation 20 de Julio is one of the most important that operates in the metropolitan area, so the investments underway include the purchase of new equipment.

“The growth in energy demand in the area is significant. With this equipment we will have a more reliable power supply ”, said the manager.

Works in San Francisco

On the other hand, the Air-e company reported that in compliance with the preventive maintenance plan, specialized personnel will carry out work in the San Francisco neighborhood, in the north of Barranquilla.

The works, to be carried out today, will force the suspension of energy service between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm

The works will be carried out between streets 69 and 71 with races 65 and 70; Carrera 70 and Vía 40, from Calle 70 to Calle 70B and Calle 70 to Carrera 63.

We work every day to offer a supply of energy to our users in a more reliable way. This intervention includes changing poles and networks, adaptation of transformers and tree pruning will be carried out to prevent branches from making contact with the networks and causing service failures ”, said the manager of Air-e in the Atlantic, Ramiro Castile.

Jobs in Soledad

The Caracolí circuit will also be intervened, between 6:49 am and 5:00 pm, for the installation of new poles and networks, for which the power will be suspended on Calle 56 with Carrera 8 and Calle 56 with Carrera 7C in the municipality of Soledad.
