More than 100,000 employees return and there is a protest in the center in Cali – Cali – Colombia


In Cali there are already 250,000 people in activity from the dispositions of the Government.

In the opening of new sectors, the Mayor’s Office issued a health passport upon the return this Monday of some 118,000 employees in Cali.

Some 500 people came to the Municipal Administrative Center (CAM), including transporters and ex-forklifts, vendors, citizens and environmental managers who ask for food and labor solutions; and migrants clamoring for transportation to their country.

Mayor Jorge Iván Ospina announced the last humanitarian corridor with Venezuelans but told the government not to download to a territorial entity in the face of such an acute problem.

The Ministry of Peace and Citizen Culture also spoke of exits with former civic managers and former truck drivers.

The Secretary of Municipal Economic Development, Argemiro Cortés, asked to carry out processes and controls that do not represent health risks in the city.
With construction and manufacturing, 149,000 people had already entered.

10,750 companies have registered on the Mayor’s website, of which 5,128 correspond to the construction sector and 3,876 to manufacturing.

Cortés asked for self-regulation. “Cali requires the return of these additional 118,000 employees, but prevention and attention to regulations are required because it must be avoided as a more emergency factor.”

Fenalco Valle’s president, Octavio Quintero, indicated that some 118,000 jobs are returning from the sector and the slogan is that it be with high responsibility for health and the community.

Starting this Monday, May 11, the wholesale activities of vehicles, machinery, furniture and equipment are integrated; and retail of stationeries, bookstores, dealers

For the Colombian Association of Small and Medium Industries (Acopi), under the direction of Yitcy Becerra, the number of productive units that has returned is not the majority.

He specified that in April with the initial opening only 16 percent of small and medium-sized companies returned,

Protest in the center

In the morning, the center of Cali, especially around the Mayor’s Office, became congested with the mobilization of a former truck driver who now drives cargo cars; of former culture or environment managers and Venezuelan migrants.

Elizabet Beltrán, as a civic manager, said that “they promised us food aid but it does not come. We have been looking for an agreement for a while. We are 1,500 managers and we do not have subsidies. We need them to sit with us at a work table with the Ministries of Environment and Culture “

In the protest were about 120 drivers of the cars that were delivered by replacing trucks in recent years. They claim participation in the collection of construction waste. A spokesperson says they received a bonus more than a month ago but have had no further support.

They wore red rags to ask for food aid and return to their activities. They assure that until now the Administrative Unit of Public Services has not responded to their request in the digital platform, to work by peak and plate.

The Secretary of Peace and Citizen Culture, Dannis Renteria, said that “we spoke with the leaders and in the afternoon of Monday we will be giving them an answer, they will move to their homes and we hope that in the course of the night and tomorrow humanitarian aid reaches them. ”

The official mentioned that “these people were part of the Peace and Culture Managers program; however, they did not currently belong to any organized group, which is why they did not appear on the lists of organizations that cooperate with the delivery of aid.”

Meanwhile, the migrants joined in a chorus that said: “We want transportation” with the idea of ​​returning to their country.

Mayor Jorge Iván Ospina came out to answer that the last humanitarian corridor for migrants will be held, but he told the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that this critical issue cannot be charged to a territorial entity.

The authorities maintained control in the city. In cars, the mobilization of two people is allowed, including the driver, with the possibility of a minor or a person requiring assistance for their mobilization.

Meanwhile, according to the national decree, more movement is expected in the streets and
Public spaces with permission for children over 6 years of age, among children and adolescents, to go outdoors three times a week, for half an hour a day, between 4 and 6 in the afternoon. They must be accompanied by an adult, not older than 60 years. The use of face masks is mandatory.
