Moisés Díaz’s brothers write heartfelt words after his painful departure


Diomedes Díaz and Betsy Liliana’s youngest son died in a tragic traffic accident in Barranquilla.

May 1, 2020 8:18 AMBy:

On the night of this Thursday, April 30, the painful and tragic news of the death of Moisés Díaz, son of Diomedes Díaz Maestre and Betsy Liliana González. A traffic accident in the north of Barranquilla was the cause of his hasty death.

Travieso The mischievous Moses ’, as they called him, leaves an indelible mark on the lives of hundreds of fans and their family, who through social networks have manifested his deep pain after this sad loss.

You can also see: Diomedes Díaz’s mother had a birthday and Orlando Liñán commemorated it

“I’m heartbroken. Growing up next to you really was an honor. I love you as you have no idea. Today I have a broken soul. You were the baby of the house, you never stopped being a child and pulled smiles Moses. I love you my love. I will always carry you in my mind and I will tell my children about you, “Betsy, the eldest daughter of‘ the Chief of La Junta, “wrote in photographs of her with her brother.

And he added: “there should be more people like you in the world, you were light and you don’t stop being it now that you are not among us. Thank God for your life, for lending you. ”

For his part, Luis Mariano, second son of this relationship, said: “My little hair, I will always carry you in my heart. You were always the light of my eyes. I love you with my life. You left many traces, thanks for sowing so many smiles on us. You will always be in my heart, my naughty. Today a piece of me is leaving. You’re going to need me too much. I will always carry you in my mind and in my heart. My dear little brother. We were always for each other. Today that you go away my chest is split in two. You leave a very big void in my life

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Elvira Maestre or ‘Mama Vila’, mother of Diomedes and grandmother of Moisés, also published a photo with her grandson in which she highlighted: “May God receive you in your Holy Kingdom, child of my heart. Your family will always remember how great a person you were. ”

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At the moment, the authorities are investigating the cause of the accident, although preliminary versions assure that the car crash would have been caused by speeding.

From Canal RCN we send a message of love to the family and followers of Moisés Díaz in this difficult situation.

It may interest you: In the social networks, a moving photo of Diomedes Díaz with Martín Elías circulates
