Ministry of sport protocol Colombian soccer: The 10 concerns of MinDeporte about the protocol of Colombian soccer | sports


This Monday the Ministry of Sport sent a document to the presidents of Dimayor and the Colombian Football Federation, Jorge Enrique Vélez and Ramón Jesurún respectively, which contains the 10 questions emerged from the review of the health protocol for the return of Colombian football.

This takes into account several points or “minimum necessary aspects“as are the follow-up to the tests of the COVID-19 to be done to the players, four dressing rooms to respect the safety distances, who will be in charge of payment of the ‘tests’ Contains the virus, a maximum people that enter the stadiums, the management protocol in case a footballer give positive, among other issues.

Recall that the Colombian Football Federation and Dimayor presented on April 20 a sanitation protocol to the Ministry of Sport so that soccer in Colombia can return under all security measures.

This is the full text with all the concerns expressed by MinDeporte:
