Ministry of Health says that for now PCR tests are not a requirement to enter Colombia – Health


The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, responded this Tuesday to the 11th Administrative Judge of Bogotá, who through a tutelage ordered the portfolio to again require negative PCR test certificates from all travelers as a requirement to enter the country. This screening had been lifted by the Government since “it was not necessary in the current context of the covid-19 pandemic.”

“Initially we had a containment phase where it made sense to limit the entry of travelers, but for a long time we have already been in a mitigation phase in which the country’s contagion levels are similar to those of other countries with which Colombia has exchanges tourism business and others ”, he explained.

Under this consideration, Ruiz insisted that a measure such as the one imposed it cannot be taken into account for an indefinite time nor does it make sense to limit air activity, as well as the right to mobilize people.

(In context: Requirement of negative test to travelers, a debate that does not land)

That is why Ruiz “makes a special request” to the judge, in the sense of clarifying various issues that emerge from the ruling. “Until the judge clarifies these questions with epidemiological criteria, people do not need the PCR test to enter Colombia”, clarifies the minister.

“First, please clarify what is the consideration of the time under which it proposes that this measure should have. And second, under what epidemiological criteria does it do it -because a pandemic like the one in which we find ourselves is managed under epidemiological grounds- ”, said Ruiz.

Then, the Ministry asks what type of PCR test should be required “because in Colombia we have followed a protocol, but in the world there are another series of protocols that the country has rejected because they are not as sensitive or specific as the one we are in. using ”.

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Finally, the head of the portfolio tells the judge that the immediate application of the measure “It is impossible since there are people who come traveling and do not have the time or place to take the test”. “So such consideration is not possible, even from the point of view of legal procedure, we are not going to demand proof until the judge makes the respective clarification to the questions we are sending him,” Ruiz said.

“For now we are simply asking the judge to clarify for us, we hope and hope that there will be a consideration, that this be considered under technical arguments and with that to be able to know what measures to take in the future,” he concluded.

In that sense, Ruiz insisted that the guardianship ruling required by the PCR test is not yet final until the concerns raised to the judge are resolved.

(Also: Most of the Colombian population would receive the covid vaccine in 2022)


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