Ministry of Health defines who will receive the first covid-19 vaccines in Colombia – Health


After announcing that the country entered the Covax strategy for the acquisition of vaccines against the new coronavirus, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, assured that through this mechanism there is a commitment to acquire 10 million doses, which will be directed to populations most at risk of developing severe forms of covid-19.

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These are health workers, those over 60 years of age and people with comorbidities.

Minister Ruiz also indicated that this commitment was possible through a direct relationship with the vaccine advisory body created a few days ago, which considered that the initial cost of these 10 million doses would be about 106 million dollars, which must be paid before the end of October in order to have access.

It should be clarified that these amounts are advances and can be executed in this way thanks to the free way that the Council of State has just given.

According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Health, this vaccine is expected to be available in the second half of 2021, but it is contemplated that by specific negotiations, earlier results may be obtained, even in the first half of next year.

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Regarding the logistics for the application, Minister Ruiz also stated that it is already advanced, to the point that the application parameters are practically ready.

Ruiz also sent a warning about the indiscipline of the population, which may increase the risk of transmission of covid-19 at a time when the country is descending from the first epidemic peak and in the event that there may be an increase in cases.

And, in that sense, he insisted on reinforcing biosecurity measures and avoiding crowds, under the premise that the Government has not contemplated another strict quarantine and will continue with the application of selective isolation and the PRASS strategy.

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