Ministry of Health confirms 27 new cases of COVID-19 for Tolima in the last 24 hours


The Ministry of Health confirmed this Sunday afternoon the appearance of 27 new cases of COVID-19 in the department of Tolima, thus bringing the number of infected people to 130. In Ibagué alone, 22 additional cases were reported in the last 24 hours, so there are already 117 sick citizens.

The balance of the national authority also accounts for three other cases in the municipality of Melgar, one in El Espinal and one in Rovira. However, the most critical figure has to do with the increase in fatalities as follows:

– 39-year-old woman in Melgar. Comorbidities: polyneuropathy
– 27 year old man in Ibagué. Comorbidities: HIV.
– 25-year-old man in Ibagué. Comorbidities: HIV

At the national level, the new cases were confirmed as follows: Bogotá (127), Amazonas (94), Cartagena (92), Barranquilla (37), Nariño (34), Huila (31), Tolima (27), Atlántico (26), Meta (25), La Guajira (12) , Valle (11), Córdoba (8), Boyacá (6), Bolívar (5), Cauca (5), Norte de Santander (5), Cundinamarca (5), Magdalena (5), Santa Marta (3), Sucre (2), Antioquia (2), Chocó (1), Putumayo (1), Caquetá (1), Quindío (1), Cesar (1) and Casanare (1).

In Colombia the barrier of 11 thousand infections was overcome (11,063) and a total of 463 deaths were recorded.
