Minister of the Environment requested the resignation of the director of National Natural Parks – Environment – Life


Julia Miranda, the woman who has been in charge of the National Parks of Colombia in the last 16 years, will leave her position, as confirmed by the same director to EL TIEMPO.

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The rumors of his departure were made known by the W Radio journalist Lucas Pombo on his Twitter account. However, neither the Ministry of the Environment nor National Parks had confirmed his departure.

Pombo assured that the new Minister of the Environment, Carlos Eduardo Correa, was the one who requested the resignation of Miranda, who had been in recent days with Minister Correa in Leticia, accompanying him in a national strategy for the forests of the Amazon.

EL TIEMPO consulted Julia Miranda, who only assured that in effect, the Minister of Environment asked her to resign, because she wanted to make changes. Despite this, he said about the decision that: “I did not want to leave.”

This newspaper consulted with the Ministry of Environment on the reasons that led Minister Correa to dispense with one of the officials who knows the institution best and its challenges. From the press office they assured: “The directors of the entities and institutes attached to the Ministry submitted their resignation and that of Julia Miranda was accepted.”

For Manuel Rodríguez, former Minister of the Environment, It is a great loss for the environmental sector. “The legacy that Julia Miranda leaves with the creation and expansion of national parks, and the strengthening of the unity of @ParquesColombia during her 17 years in office, is impressive. An exemplary public official,” she said on her Twitter account.

Julia Miranda’s career

Julia Miranda Londoño is a lawyer, graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, with specialization studies in Environmental Law of the University extership of Colombia.

She has also worked as a trial lawyer and university professor of the chair of environmental law at the Pontifical Javeriana University.

Since 2004, she is General Director of National Natural Parks of Colombia, a government entity in charge of the administration and management of the System of National Natural Parks, currently made up of 59 Protected Areas and is also responsible for coordinating the National System of Protected Areas.

In 2012, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) awarded him the Fred Packard Award for exceptional service in protected areas.

He also received the highest recognition granted by the Ministry of Defense to a civilian, for his outstanding work and service in favor of the conservation and protection of the natural and cultural heritage of Colombians.


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