Minimum Wage: The Best and Worst Countries in the World to Age in 2020 – Politics


One of the biggest concerns for some citizens is their future and old age. In Colombia, the pension is one of the most critical issues.

(Can read: The reactions of different sectors to the increase in the minimum wage)

This year has presented some of the greatest threats to public health and the world economy in more than a century. This means that there will be greater challenges to long-term retirement security.

According to the Natixis Retirement Index 2020, there are five main challenges:

1. Recession
2. Interest rates
3. Public debt
Four. The weather
5. Economic inequality

In the index, this company made a ranking of the best and worst countries in the world to grow old. The researchers calculated an average score in each category and combined the category scores for a final overall ranking of the 44 nations studied.

The index incorporates 18 performance indicators, grouped into four thematic sub-indices, which have been calculated on the basis of reliable data from a wide range of
academic organizations and sources. The four thematic indexes cover key aspects of well-being in retirement: the material means of living comfortably in retirement; access to quality financial services to help preserve savings value and maximize income; access to quality health services;
and a clean and safe environment.

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The 10 worst countries:

44. India (9%)
43. Brazil (36%)
42. Turkey (40%)
41. Greece (41%)
40. Colombia (46%)
39. China (47%)
38. Russian Federation (49%)
37. Mexico (51%)
36. Latvia (53%)
35. Lithuania (57%)
34. Chile (58%)

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Top 10 countries:

1. Iceland (82%). It remains in first place with a score slightly lower than what it had in 2019, which was 83%.
2. Switzerland (82%)
3. Norway (80%)
4. Ireland (79%)
5. Netherlands (77%)
6. New Zealand (77%)
7. Australia (76%)
8. Canada (75%)
9. Denmark (74%)
10. Germany (74%)

(Don’t miss out on reading: The 10 countries Colombians are traveling to on vacation)

See the full report here:

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