MINGA IN BOGOTÁ: Meeting between the minga and the Government would take place this Monday


After a meeting with the Ombudsman’s Office, possibly the meeting between the minga and the Government would take place this Monday, October 19.

The massive caravan of indigenous people traveled nearly 500 kilometers in the last four days.

Finally, this Sunday he arrived in Bogotá with the expectation of a possible meeting with President Iván Duque.

And despite the fact that they have appointed representatives to dialogue, they insist on a direct conversation with the president.

Meeting between the minga and the Government

This Sunday, after the arrival of the minga in Bogotá, government representatives met with the ombudsman, Carlos Camargo, who acts as an intermediary, and told them about the protesters’ demands.

After the meeting, the Interior Minister said that “the National Government expresses the permanent disposition of dialogue with the indigenous minga.”

And he asked the defender to organize a meeting for this Monday at the Ombudsman’s office.

However, he did not refer to the presence of the president in the talk.

Travel to Bogotá

At first, the thousands of protesters who left Cauca had planned to spend Sunday in Soacha.

But faced with the refusal of the local authorities to provide them with accommodation, they arrived directly in the capital.

While the caravan traveled, the Mayor’s Office of Bogotá finished adapting the Palacio de los Deportes, a covered arena in the capital, to accommodate them.


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