Minga: alert for infiltration of FARC dissidents and snipers – Investigative Unit


The authorities are already taking measures to guarantee the mobilization of the Indigenous Minga that arrived in Cali this Monday and that insists on meeting with the president, Iván Duque, to reject the massacres, assassinations of social leaders and, according to them, the criminalization of the social protest.

In the midst of the measures adopted –including health measures, by the COVID-19– the intelligence organizations intercepted radio communications that warn about an infiltration of the FARC dissidents.

(We invite you to read: Government travels to Cali to meet with the minga)

This is the residual organized armed group (Gaor) of the Jaime Martínez column, from the sixth and thirty fronts of the former FARC guerrilla that act in five villages in the municipality of Jamundí, south of Cali.

But there are also men from Dagoberto Ramos and Carlos Patiño, from the ‘Iván Mordisco’ and ‘Mayinbu’ group. Besides, there are also people from Eln.

(You may be interested: Who is killing indigenous people and slaughtering civilians in Cauca?)

In the audios, according to intelligence officials, alias ‘Paisa’ says that he sent an emissary to the Minga: “I came with the political commission… I’m going to send a delegate from here, did you hear? right because he doesn’t know the way ”.

His interlocutor explains the meeting place: “… if his wife is going to send, she already knows where Andaquí is because the last time she was at the meeting,” he replied, pointing to a place where the Minga passes.

Audio possible infiltration to Minga

Listen to the audio here

Government officials

Government officials who traveled to meet with the indigenous minga.

In another audio, a man called ‘Shakira’, a member of that same structure, communicates with alias JJ, who according to the authorities is another of his leaders. He reports to be ready with a commission, in an indigenous territory known as the Kiwe Footprint.

(In context: Farc dissidents double their number of men in just 12 months)

“The truth is, I do not know why we are in political commission around here where Andaquí (…) The truth has not yet arrived, they have not yet arrived from Huella Kiwe, none have arrived yet” is heard in the communication.

Alias ​​JJ, from the FARC dissidents

This is alias JJ, designated dissident of the Farc.

Listen to the audio here:

EL TIEMPO also established that since last week, members of the government also warned members of the Greater Indigenous Council – with whom it met on Monday – that they knew of the presence of snipers from the Gaor es in the area.

The alert is due to the fact that they can attack indigenous people and members of the Public Force to unleash public order problems.

(Also: Duque will not meet with the Indigenous Minga in Cali; delegation attended)

And the issue was brought up again at the meeting on holiday Monday between the Greater Council and the group of ministers and high-level officials who traveled to Cali.

The group of officials for the meeting with the social and community Minga of southwestern Colombia was made up of the Ministers of the Interior, Health, Energy, Agriculture, Science and Technology and Emilio Archila, Counselor for Stabilization and Consolidation.

Carlos Camargo

Carlos Camargo, the new Ombudsman, proposed an alternate meeting in the Ombudsman’s Office with the Government. But it was not accepted.

In addition, the high commissioner Miguel Ceballos; the Army Commander, General Enrique Zapateiro; the commander of the National Police, General Óscar Atehortúa.

Ceballos, who coordinates the official commission that traveled to Cali, told EL TIEMPO before leaving for Cali that the Minga has not made any claims for breaches of what was agreed last year with the government.

“The Government has fulfilled its commitments through an investment of more than 640 billion pesos, which corresponds to 80 percent of the commitments acquired,” Ceballos explained.

(It may be of interest to you: The story of the eleno who admitted to being behind the attacks on Bogotá)

And he added that “with regard to the social plan of Cauca, an increase of 40 percent has been achieved, going from 900 billion pesos in 2018 to 1.3 billion in 2020.”

For Ceballos it is clear that the claims of now are of a political nature. “Any discussion on this matter has a natural forum: the Congress of the Republic. And there they have full political representation, according to the constitution, “explained the senior official.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

The Ombudsman, Carlos Camargo, through his deputy defender Luis Fajardo, who is in Cali, this holiday Monday proposed to meet the parties at the headquarters of the Ombudsman in Bogotá, so that the President could participate. The members of the CRIC did not accept the proposal, asking the president to respond directly to the 7,000 members that make up the Minga in his territory.

At the end of Monday, the government’s high-level delegation could not reach any agreement with the indigenous delegates who are attending a meeting with President Iván Duque.

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