Millonarios: analysis of the 0-2 defeat against Junior in Liga Betplay 2021 | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League


After having rested the weekend, Millonarios returned to have action in the BetPlay League 2021. This time the injuries diminished him enormously and they lost 0-2 against Junior in Barranquilla.

In addition to the physical issue, Alberto Gamero’s men made some unforgivable mistakes at the Metropolitano, a situation that led to their second defeat so far this season. For this reason, at FUTBOLRED we analyze what the ambassador defeat left behind:

Injuries everywhere: In the previous match, the injuries of Fernando Uribe (hip trauma) and Cristian Arango (muscular discomfort), two vital pieces in the Albiazul scaffolding, were known. Not happy with that, Fredy Guarín left the game at minute 16 due to physical inconveniences and Ricardo Márquez lasted just ten minutes on the field, entered at 61 and came out at 71, due to a strong blow to his knee.

Little presence in attack: With the departure of Guarín, the creation of the game was recharged on Mackalister Silva as Kliver Moreno could contribute little as a midfielder 10 (not his position). Already in the second half, Daniel Ruíz tried a couple of things on the left and Juan Carlos Pereira tried to make a clean start, but both Junior’s defensive retreat and his liveliness in handling the game took their toll.

Zero effectiveness: Although the goal options were quite reduced, Millonarios had arrivals that could end in something else with absent players such as Arango or Uribe himself. The clearest, without a doubt, the heads up that Diego Abadía missed at the start of the second half. That situation could completely change the game.

Offensive changes: The biggest criticism towards Gamero goes through how he uses his attack players. In the first part it was thought that Ruíz, who has been showing interesting things, would enter through Guarín, but in the end it was Kliver. Change burned considering that for the second part the latter came out for, precisely, the ex-Fortaleza. Likewise, Hárrison Mojica was recalled, a creative midfielder who was once again out of the call due to technical decision.
