Michelle Amaya: suspects responsible for the homicide of a minor under 15 years of age in Bogotá are captured – Crimes – Justice


This Thursday, the alleged perpetrators of the murder of Michelle Amaya, the 15-year-old minor who disappeared on November 30 in Bogotá, whose body was found days later by her relatives was achieved.

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For a month, her body was in the Legal Medicine facilities without any authority reporting that it could be the missing minor. Meanwhile, Her family spent 31 days searching for her in the streets, houses and nooks of the city center.

Through a court order, during an operation in the San Bernardo neighborhood of Bogotá, alias Andrés, ‘Chepe’ and ‘Juan Carlos’, who would belong to the gang ‘Los Tasmania’, were arrested and will be processed before a guarantee control judge for the crimes of torture and aggravated homicide.

(We recommend: What happened to Michelle Amaya? The missing minor in Bogotá)

We will not allow the San Bernardo neighborhood to become another Bronx

The accusing body established that that day the minor left her home in the Prado Veraniego neighborhood, boarded a public transport vehicle to the San Bernardo neighborhood, in the town of Santa Fe, where apparently the head of a criminal group dedicated to drug trafficking gave the order for them to steal the adolescent, who was allegedly attacked and beaten.

(In context: They confirm that the body in Forensic Medicine was a minor Michelle Amaya)

Likewise, it was evidenced that the victim was injured on multiple occasions with a knife and that when her possible attackers thought she was dead they put her between black bags and, apparently, from the third floor of a house, threw her into the house immediately , which is in the process of being demolished.

(Also read: ‘Tommy Massacre’, the prisoner who would have ordered the attack in Barranquilla)

Investigators determined that after the attack, the men obtained a recycling cart and They took the body about four blocks from where the events occurred. There they left the bags covered with blankets, around 11 at night.

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As reported by the Prosecutor’s Office, the body of the minor was found on December 1, 2020 and transferred to Legal Medicine, where she entered as unidentified, since the adolescent never had an identity card with which her fingerprints could be corroborated .

“We are not going to allow the San Bernardo neighborhood to become another Bronx. Today, that neighborhood is a pot of criminals, which is going to be attacked by the Prosecutor’s Office and the authorities, “said the head of the accusing entity, Francisco Barbosa.

