Mexican media play another candidate to lead the Colombian National Team


The technical director of América, Miguel Herrera (l), argues with a referee, during a match on matchday 16 of the 2019 Clausura Mexican soccer tournament, at the Azteca stadium in Mexico City (Mexico).  EFE / José Méndez / Archive
The technical director of América, Miguel Herrera (l), argues with a referee, during a match on matchday 16 of the 2019 Clausura Mexican soccer tournament, at the Azteca stadium in Mexico City (Mexico). EFE / José Méndez / Archive

Rumors of the departure of Carlos Queiroz as coach of the Colombia National Team, after the defeats against Uruguay and Ecuador, for the qualifying rounds of the Qatar 2022 World Cup. Regarding his possible replacement, from Mexico they link Miguel ‘Piojo’ Herrera with the combined coffee.

According to the ESPN program ‘Raza Deportiva’, the helmsman of América de México will receive an offer from the Colombian Football Federation (FCF) to take over the Colombian coaching staff.

Miguel 'Piojo' Herrera, at the age of 52, has trained the Atlante, Monterrey, Veracruz, Tecos, América and Tijuna clubs.  In addition, he led the Mexican team in 36 games for 'Tri' / (Archive).
Miguel ‘Piojo’ Herrera, at the age of 52, has trained the Atlante, Monterrey, Veracruz, Tecos, América and Tijuna clubs. In addition, he led the Mexican team in 36 games for ‘Tri’ / (Archive).

The rumors of the departure of Carlos Queiroz as coach of the Colombian National Team continue, after the defeats against Uruguay and Ecuador, for the Qatar 2022 World Cup qualifying rounds. Regarding his possible replacement, from Mexico they link Miguel ‘piojo’ Herrera with the tricolor team.

In the radio program they also assure that the leaders of the Mexican team, led by Santiago Baños, would do everything possible to complicate the coach’s departure, because so far the América de México has reaped good results and is emerging as the winner of the title of the league of that country.

It is known that the ‘Piojo’ has a contract until 2023 with America, a situation that further complicates the arrival of the Mexican coach to the Colombian National Team.

According to Diego Rueda, a journalist with the VBar of Caracol Radio, Jose Nestor Pekerman, would be the number one candidate of the directors of the Colombian Football Federation. The Argentine, who has already classified Colombia to the world Brazil 2014 and Russia 2018, has not managed since his departure from the national team after the last World Cup.

Tito Pucetti commented on Mañanas Blu, that Pékerman have frequently visited the country in the last year and want to return to technical bench. But to sit down to negotiate an eventual arrival at the technical direction of the selection, his request is that there be no one person in the position of coach.

Among the candidates is also Juan Carlos OsorioThe Risaraldense strategist recently ended his relationship with Atlético Nacional and has always expressed his intention to be on the bench of the ‘tricolor’. In addition, he already has experience as a coach, led the Mexican national team, with whom he participated in the Russia World Cup, and commanded the Paraguay national team for a very short period, between September 2018 and February 2019.

In the deck of options of Colombian strategists, there is also the name of Luis Fernando Suarez. His scrolls support him, he attended two soccer World Cups, in 2006 with Ecuador and, eight years later, he was present with the selection of Honduras.

To the shortlist is added Reinaldo Rueda. The Valle del Cauca enters the equation if he ceases to be the helmsman of Chile, a team where he has not been accompanied by the good results in this edition of the qualifiers; the ‘red’ has four points in the standings and fell in its last presentation to Venezuela.

Rueda would add his second cycle at the head of the combined ‘coffee’, he took on the challenge in 2004, when the ‘tricolor’ was in crisis of results in the qualifiers on the way to the orbital appointment of Germany, and his good campaign was not enough for Colombia returned to a World Cup. However, he was able to fulfill the dream of participating in the highest national team event with Honduras, in 2010, and with Ecuador, in 2014.

After the terrible results obtained by the Colombia National Team against Uruguay and Ecuador in the last qualifying date, different media have talked about the resignation of Carlos Queiroz and have even considered different names to replace the Portuguese as helmsman of the Colombian team.

But this Friday it became known that The FCF Executive Committee does not have the money or names to be able to remove the technical director of the tricolor, despite the poor results.

The journalist Carlo Antonio Vélez referred, in his opinion column on Antena 2, to Álvaro González’s position, which at first was said to agree with Queiroz’s departure, but clarified that this is not the case.

Vélez recounted the details of the meeting that took place last Thursday, November 19, and said that there is not a single candidate to replace Queiroz, much less money for the compensation that would be 2 million dollars.

“Yesterday, almost around 10 in the morning, the president (Ramón) Jesurún phoned his vice president, Álvaro González and told him that he had a meeting the night before with ‘the mister’. That they were talking about the situation, that ‘El Mister’ was sad, worried, crestfallen, but wanting to continue ”.

According to the journalist, Álvaro González asked Jesurún if he had the replacement ready to what the leader said no.

Álvaro González tells Jesurún; – Ramón, and do you have the replacement ready? Because some suppose that if we leave this man we must have, at least, one situation on track.

The Colombian National Team is going through a serious economic situation due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has lowered sponsorships; the lack of matches with an audience in Barranquilla and the fines for the alleged responsibility of the managers and the Federation in the resale of tickets for the Russia 2018 World Cup Qualifiers.

This is what Vélez said after having the information from the environment of González Alzate, who is vice president of the FCF for being president of Dif Fútbol, ​​and who met virtually with president Ramón Jesurún and Fernando Jaramillo, who is the president of Dimayor.

“The first thing González says, at 10 in the morning, to Ramón, is; – Do we have the money, do we have the replacement? -. Faced with two negative responses, he has said; – Why don’t we take a while and talk? We analyze all those details and we are not ‘lurching’ – ”, said Vélez.

The communicator assured that after this talk, the president and vice presidents met and decided that Queiroz should continue as a team coach, since there is no viable and economic alternative at this time.

Vélez also assured that the FCF will not remove Queiroz unless he resigns

It is not true that they have spoken with him to fix it, it is not true that they are going to pay him money, it is not true that he has resigned. I don’t know what could happen today, but until midnight, that hadn’t happened …

The journalist ends his opinion column stating that “Officially the Federation has not made contact with anyone. Álvaro González’s position is that of a Colombian coach, the only coach he has in mind is Reinaldo Rueda (…) As long as this Executive Committee is in the Federation, Osorio will not be a Colombian coach. They have an ‘old data’ discrepancy. “

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The Colombian Football Federation does not have money or names to replace Carlos Queiroz
