Message from Queiroz for the death of former goalkeeper of the Colombian Selection


The Lusitanian spoke on his Twitter account, where he attacked those who recently turned their back on McAleenan, with whom he worked on the technical staff of the Colombia selection.

“All those who abandoned you when you tested positive for COVID-19 will now be punished for their conscience,” he initially wrote.

According to information aired by Blu Radio, the Irishman suffered episodes of depression exacerbated during his isolation.

In fact, his contagion prevented him from being with the combined ‘coffee’ in the 0-3 and 6-1 falls against Uruguay and Ecuador, respectively, in the South American qualifying.

“Forgive you and your family because I did not get everyone to do it as they had promised,” he added Carlos Queiroz in his trill.

And he closed with a lapidary phrase: “The best of football is over for me, and today I’m going with you. Rest in peace”.

After the defeats against Uruguay and Ecuador, Queiroz’s coaching staff was replaced, so McAleenan remained in Dublin, Ireland, until this February 26, the day of his death.

Queiroz’s message for the death of his goalkeeper coach:

Here, the tweet from the Portuguese strategist:
