Message from Juan Fernando Quintero to those who criticize them


Juan Fernando Quintero He left Argentina’s River Plate to go to Chinese football; However, due to visa delays, he will only be able to have action in Asian football in 2021, so he will miss the rest of the season.

Consequently, he wanted to silence the voices against him by the determination he made by wondering: “Why are they so controversial?”

However, he himself took charge of answering, implying that he doesn’t want them to worry about him.

“Everyone does what they want with their life and more with their decisions, I do it to clarify. I am happy and that is what matters, I am not seeking acceptance and I will always be ME ”, he stated.

Finally, he lowered the tone of his message sending “blessings” to the recipients of your writing.

Inactivity, among other things, cost Quintero his non-inclusion in the call for the Colombia National Team for the start of the World Cup tie.

Here, Juan Fernando Quintero’s message to his critics:
