men with prostate cancer are less prone to COVID-19


Those who are under the aforementioned treatment, for prostate cancer, they are less likely to develop COVID-19 and, if infected, the disease is less severe.

This is the main conclusion of a study led by the University of Italian Switzerland, which is published in the Annals of Oncology magazine; its authors suggest that ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) could protect men from coronavirus infection.

The researchers found that of 4,532 men with COVID-19, 9.5% (430) had cancer and 2.6% (118) had prostate cancer, explains the European Medical Society of Oncology in a press release, which notes that those cancer patients had a 1.8 times higher risk of coronavirus infection and developed a more serious illness.


The scientists also investigated the numbers of men with this type of cancer who take ADT in this same region and counted a total of 5,273: only four of these people developed COVID-19 infection and none died.

Of the 37,161 men with prostate cancer who were not receiving ADT, 114 developed the disease and 18 died.

“This is the first article that suggests a link between tandrogen deprivation erapia and COVID-19 ″, assures Andrea Alimonti, one of the authors of the work.

The researcher explains that for this analysis they collected data from a large population of patients infected with coronavirus and found that those who “are being treated with ADT for prostate cancer are protected, although all cancer patients have a higher risk of COVID-19 infection than those without cancer

The researchers suggest that even if men did not have prostate cancer, those who are at high risk of developing COVID-19, they could take ADT for a limited period to prevent infectionWhile those who become infected may take ADT to reduce the severity of symptoms.


Limitations of the study include the fact that cancer patients with COVID-19 may have undergone more tests for the virus than those without cancer, which may explain the higher prevalence of the coronavirus in cancer patients.

The editor-in-chief of the journal where the research is published, Fabrice André, indicates that they decided to publish this study because it provides a basis for evaluating the prospective treatment efficacy in patients infected with COVID-19.

“However, the study does not provide a definitive conclusion on the role of ADT in patients infected with COVID-19, and this class of drugs should not be used for this purpose until prospective trials have confirmed their efficacy.”

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That's right, the owner of the brewery, Franz Mast, told Reuters and quoted by Deutsche Welle: u201cWe want to thank the people and we hope that they will also support us when the trade reopens its doors; that they come here, that they recommend us.


This was the invitation from the brewery, located in the state of Hesse (central Germany), that authorized consumers to claim up to 3 beers per person:





The German media reports that the sale of beer in the country, the third largest consumer of the drink in the world, after the Czech Republic and Poland, according to Dinero en Imagen, was seriously affected by the coronavirus, which forced to close the places where it is most consumed, such as bars, restaurants, beer gardens (outdoor places where they sell food and beer) and sporting events, such as soccer.



n n Cerveza n n



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Even the annual beer festival, the popular Oktoberfest, was canceled due to the risk of contagion with COVID-19, and exports to China and Italy are practically frozen, for the same reason, which according to Deutsche Welle could potentially bankrupt many manufacturers.


This initiative contrasts with the decision of some French breweries, who announced that they would destroy millions of liters of the drink due to loss in sales.


More or less 25% of manufacturers are unemployed and 70% of manufacturers report a loss of 50% of turnover or more since March 15, due to the crisis due to the coronavirus.

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The policy complained to him, through Caracol News, to President Iv u00e1n Duque that management is required in the department, in which there are already 430 confirmed cases.


u201cToday I respectfully call on the President to look at the Amazon. We don't want more warm water. Here was the minister [de Salud] and we did not receive any solution u20f3 u201d.


But that was not all, he also insisted on the precarious situation of the Leticia hospital in which they do not have elements to attend to patients.


All this on the subject of indigenous deputy Camilo Su u00e1rez, who this Friday He died awaiting medical attention and with symptoms of coronavirus., although they did not give him the test despite the fact that he requested it; and who had also made an appeal to the Government weeks ago.



n n Diputado pidiu00f3 ayuda por coronavirus en Amazonas y muriu00f3 n n



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The ones who are dying are the indigenous people u201d, Deputy Bocanegra added, and is not far from reality, because according to figures from the National Institute of Health, 90% of the victims in the department belong to the communities.


Justly, a u00f1adi u00f3 Blu Radio, the relatives of the late journalist Antonio Paco Lasso Molina u201 instructed to advance u00e1n u00a0legal actions for alleged negligence in caring for the patient who was isolated at his residence in Leticia u201c.


To that request was added Jhon Benjumea, an inhabitant of Leticia who proposed to send a u201cbuque hospital that is in charge of taking care of the patients so that not so many people die.



n n Hospital San Rafael Leticia n n



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But that is not all, health personnel are becoming scarcer, since many physicians do not want to apply to calls to provide their services in Leticia and many others who already work as contractors are resigning faced with the deficit of guarantees and biosafety elements.


Meanwhile, the indigenous people of the Amazon are not the only affected, since the communities of Choc u00f3 have already issued several alerts for the contagion in that department, which has 27 confirmed cases, although the authorities of the natives speak of many more only in the resguardos.

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The Colombian midfielder used his Instagram account, where he has more than 45 million followers, to show his pet, which is a puppy of breed u00a0Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.


In the photograph, the little Samuel appears on the footballer's legs looking at the cub, who has his head also resting on his limb while looking at the camera.



u201cSalo and Samu have a new friend u201d, was what the athlete wrote in the post of the publication that, so far, has accumulated more than half a million u2018likes u2019.


Here, the cute image:





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Despite the alleged records that Maduro says he has against Guaid u00f3, there are still no charges against the opposition leader.


Luke Alexander Denman, 34, and Airan Berry, 41, face charges of terrorism, conspiracy, illicit trafficking in weapons of war, and association [para delinquir] u201d, said attorney general, Tarek William Saab, in a statement broadcast on state television. The crime of terrorism, according to Venezuelan law, is punishable by penalties of between 25 and 30 years in prison.



n n Seu00f1alan a Juan Guaidu00f3 de planear golpe contra Maduro. n n



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Maduro, with alleged audio, points to Guaid u00f3 as responsible for the attempted coup



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The prosecutor, from the pro-government line, also announced an international arrest warrant against another American, former green beret Jordan Goudreau, founder of the private security and defense company Silvercorp USA.


The Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodr u00edguez, renewed shortly after his acclaim against Guaid u00f3, recognized as the president in charge of Venezuela through one hundred countries headed by the United States, whom the ruling party accuses of having signed a contract with Silvercorp to execute the raid. The leader crossed out u201cfalso u201d the document released by the Maduro government.


US President Donald Trump denied again this Friday that the White House is related to what happened.


u201cWhat the authorities in Washington are doing is seeing how Juan Guaid u00f3, who is deeply embarrassed by that contract he signed, signed Rodrigo, in a televised address.



n n Fallido golpe a Maduro. n n



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Despite hiring a 'Rambo' to overthrow Maduro, for these reasons the plan failed.



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Let a caligrapher be found. We are already looking for it and that is the signature of Juan Guaid u00f3, of course it is u201d, he continued.


Denman and Berry were apprehended by a u00a0 u201cinvasi u00f3n u201d that the Venezuelan government said they thwarted on May 3 and 4 in the coastal towns of Macuto and Chuao, in northern Venezuela, which has left 31 detainees, 29 of them Venezuelans, u201d mercenaries and support teams u201d, Saab said. On Sunday it was reported that eight suspected invaders were killed in clashes.

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Ruiz spoke about it and gave the number of 669 infected in the television space that Iv u00e1n President of Colombia presents every day to talk about the fight against the coronavirus. However, Noticias Caracol updated the number minutes after 772 infected.


u201cWe are very concerned about the serious affectation to the city prison, which brings 690 positives of COVID-19 to the day of today u201d, The holder of the wallet continued after referring to his trip to Meteor soil.



n n Casos de coronavirus en Colombis mayo 8 n n



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Colombia reached 10,000 cases with a worrying increase! 595 infections and 21 deaths



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Then, he let it be seen that not enough measures have been taken to stop the spread of the disease among the inmates: u201c 1,500 tests have been applied and this is a prison with 1,800 people overcrowded; it is a complex situation u201d.


In that sense he undertook to apply coronavirus tests to 100% of the prison population u201d.


And he pointed out that his visit to Villavicencio helped him to collect information that would allow him to overcome these shortcomings, inside and outside the prison.


u201cThere are issues to solve, such as generating a more adjusted plan to reduce the possible risk to the population of the city. We have the information and the idea is to have all of that plan structured, he said.


In video, the words of the Minister of Health (from minute 49:10):





Ac u00e1, the figure delivered by Noticias Caracol:



Thus the Ministry trin u00f3:



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La Cancilleru00eda informu00f3 queu00a0Sanidad Portuaria, la Cruz Roja y la Secretaru00eda de Salud del Distrito estuvieron encargados de la evaluaciu00f3n mu00e9dica de los retornados, cuyos resultados no han trascendido hasta el momento.


Asimismo, aseguru00f3 que Migraciu00f3n Colombia, la Policu00eda Nacional o la Secretaru00eda de Salud del Distrito se encargaru00e1n de vigilar el cumplimiento obligatorio del confinamiento.


No obstante, el comunicado tambiu00e9n detallu00f3 que, aunque se tratu00f3 de un vuelo humanitario concertado con Avianca, los reciu00e9n llegados tuvieron que correr con el gasto del tiquete au00e9reo.



n n Pasajero duerme en el suelo del aeropuerto El Dorado durante la pandemia de COVID-19n n



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De hecho algunos de los connacionales que regresaban dijeron a Telemundo que el precio fue de casi el doble de lo habitual y dijeron que el Gobierno colombiano se limitu00f3 a autorizar la entrada de su vuelo.


El representante a la cu00e1mara Juan David Vu00e9lez mostru00f3 el itinerario de las pru00f3ximas llegadas hasta el 17 de mayo:



  • Mayo 9, Brasil.
  • n

  • Mayo 10, Ecuador y Repu00fablica Dominicana.
  • n

  • Mayo 12, Orlando, EE.UU..
  • n

  • Mayo 13, Los u00c1ngeles, EE.UU.
  • n

  • Mayo 14, Brasil.
  • n

  • Mayo 15, Mu00e9xico.
  • n

  • Mayo 16, Argentina y Chile.
  • n

  • Mayo 17, India y Australia.
  • n




El ministerio de relaciones exteriores agregu00f3 que hasta este viernes ya son u00b4mas de 3.000 los colombianos que han regresado al pau00eds durante la pandemia en 28 vuelos humanitarios. Tan solo esta semana se informu00f3 que regresaron 146 de Argentina, 178 del Reino Unido y 192 de Miami, Estados Unidos.

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Con ayuda de otro personaje (llamado Facundo y personificado por el mismo comediante), u2018Juanpisu2019 se refiriu00f3 a un convenio que se hizo para darles camionetas blindadas a los concejales de Bogotu00e1 en medio de la crisis por el coronavirus.


En el video, Facundo le dice a u2018Juanpisu2019 que solo deberu00e1 invertir la u201cmu00f3dica sumau201d de 2.661 millones de pesos para esos vehu00edculos. u201cCon eso hubiu00e9ramos podido ayudar aproximadamente a mu00e1s de 15 mil familias en este momentou201d, manifiesta u2018Juanpisu2019, y luego au00f1ade:


u201cEso hubiera alcanzado para 24 respiradores, huevu00f3n. Ahora, u00bfsabe quu00e9? Que respiren, pero por la heridau201d.



En medio de la conversaciu00f3n, Facundo le comenta que sacu00f3 u201cuna plata que debu00eda ser para inversiones de saludu201d y que la destinu00f3 a la compra de bolsas plu00e1sticas para que los mu00e9dicos se protejan con ellas y no se contagien de COVID-19.


Ambos personajes tambiu00e9n se refieren a las costosas camionetas que la Policu00eda compru00f3 para u201cprotecciu00f3n presidencialu201d, y de losu00a0mu00e1s de 3.000 millones de pesos que el Gobierno invirtiu00f3 para posicionar la imagen de Ivu00e1n Duque en redes sociales.



n n Policu00edas.n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Para "protecciu00f3n presidencial", Policu00eda gastu00f3 $ 9.000 millones en camionetas blindadas



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u2018Juanpisu2019 aseguru00f3 que debu00eda contratar a esa empresa de comunicaciu00f3n digital porque los habu00edan u201cboleteadou201d con la malversaciu00f3n de recursos destinados a mercados y subsidios para la poblaciu00f3n mu00e1s vulnerable en esta crisis.


Al final, el personaje hizo la representaciu00f3n de Claudia Lu00f3pez y su esposa, Angu00e9lica Lozano, yendo juntas a hacer mercado cuando solo una de ellas podu00eda.


u201cEsta es mi locombia queridau201d, concluyu00f3 u2018Juanpisu2019, haciendo referencia al lapsus que el presidente tuvo en televisiu00f3n.


A continuaciu00f3n, el video:




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La mujer gastu00f3 60,23 du00f3lares en comestibles y gasolina con la tarjeta de cru00e9dito de Anthony, a cuya hijau00a0u2014Tara Catapanou2014 le llegu00f3 la factura de las compras por correo electru00f3nico, informu00f3 New York Daily News.


u201cNo puedo creer que una persona le pueda hacer algo asu00ed a alguien que lucha por su vidau201d, comentu00f3 Tara al diario, y luego agregu00f3:


u201cEsta es una enfermera que hizo un juramento de tratar, proteger y salvar pacientes. Es asquerosou2026 Nunca en un millu00f3n de au00f1os esperu00e9 que algo asu00ed sucedierau201d.



Tara, quien se refiriu00f3 a Daniella como u201cun ser humano despreciableu201d, tambiu00e9n manifestu00f3 al medio que esperaba que la enfermera perdiera su licencia y su trabajo.


Por ahora, segu00fan un vocero del hospital consultado por el New York Post, la enfermera fue suspendida temporalmente de su cargo, el cual desempeu00f1aba desde 2007.


Tara, que finalmente perdiu00f3 a su padre por el coronavirus, ahora estu00e1 a la espera de que se haga justicia, concluyu00f3 el medio.

n","comercial":{"promovido":{"name":"","slug":"","color":"","facebook":"","image":"","imageletter":"","imageblack":""}},"directtv":{"mobile":"","desktop":"","link":""},"Custom_fields":{"Directv":"","Promovido":""},"tambientepuedeinteresar":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"/nacion/video-juanpis-gonzalez-critica-politica-durante-pandemia-PP895470","title":"Pullas de 'Juanpis' a su "Locombia querida" por penosos manejos durante la pandemia","author":"","author_img":"","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"/nacion/vicky-davila-cuestiona-senador-german-varon-por-actitud-con-edy-PP895421","title":"Vicky Du00e1vila se 'agarru00f3' con senador hijo de dueu00f1a de apartamento estrato 6","author":"","author_img":"","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Ademu00e1s de avispones asesinos, EE. UU. emite emergencia por otra plaga: polillas gitanas","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Polillas gigantes, otra plaga ademu00e1s de los avispones."},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Niu00f1o de 11 au00f1os se suicidu00f3 u201ccomo regalo de Du00eda de la Madreu201d","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Suicidio"}]},{"id":"PP895486","titles":{"main":"Narco considerado mano derecha de 'Mu00e1rquez' llegu00f3 desde Venezuela y lo delataron","facebook":"#Videos Por u00e9l ofrecu00edan $ 3.000 millones y es el primero que cae de ese grupo.","seo":"Duque reportu00f3 captura de disidente cercano a Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez"},"phrases":{"main":"Ivu00e1n Duque reportu00f3 la captura de Audiel Pinto Calderu00f3n, alias 'Korea' o 'Montilla', en Puerto Carreu00f1o (Vichada), quien era cercano a los exjefes guerrilleros."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/duque-reporto-captura-disidente-cercano-ivan-marquez-PP895486"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"paola.paez","name":"Paola Paez"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":1588970346,"updated":1588970688,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Captura de narcotraficante socio de Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez","credit":"Policu00eda Nacional","description":"Captura de narcotraficante socio de Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez","alt":"Captura de narcotraficante socio de Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Alias El Paisa","disidencias de las Farc","Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquez","Jesu00fas Santrich"],"sources":[{"title":"@IvanDuque","url":"","source":"Twitter"},{"title":"@DirectorPolicia","url":"","source":"Twitter"},{"title":"","url":"","source":"Con EFE"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

El jefe de Estado aseguru00f3 que este hombre hace parte del mando de las disidencias de las Farc, consideradas ahora por el Gobierno como el grupo criminal u2018Segunda Marquetaliau2019.


Duque aseguru00f3.u00a0 en entrevista con MiOriente Stereo, que aliasu2019 Koreau2019 es seu00f1alado por las autoridades como presunto responsable de cru00edmenes contra lu00edderes sociales, y subrayu00f3 que u201ces una de las personas conocidas como mano derecha de alias u2018Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquezu2019 y alias u2018El Paisau201d.




La operaciu00f3n denominada Aniela, en la que tambiu00e9n fue capturada otra persona sin identificar, fue desarrollada conjuntamente por la Policu00eda, la Fiscalu00eda y las Fuerzas Militares.


En su prontuario el capturado tieneu00a0u201coperaciones de narcotru00e1fico y, adicionalmente, estaba tratando de fortalecer parte de los corredores para mover droga hacia Venezuelau201d, donde permanecu00eda y desde donde llegu00f3 a Colombia hace dos du00edas, segu00fan un informante.


u2018Koreau2019 es el primer integrante del grupo disidente liderado por u2018Mu00e1rquezu2019 en quedar a disposiciu00f3n de la justicia.



El director de la Policu00eda, general u00d3scar Atehortu00faa Duque, tambiu00e9n confirmu00f3 en una rueda de prensa que con la captura del guerrillero, por quien el Estado colombiano ofrecu00eda una recompensa de 3.000 millones de pesos pusieron fin a 32 au00f1os de trayectoria criminal.


El oficial recordu00f3 que el capturado perteneciu00f3 a las Farc, estuvo en cuatro frentes, e incluso fue muy cercano al u2018Mono Jojoyu2019.


Por su peligrosidad, u2018Koreau2019 fue trasladado este mismo viernes a Bogotu00e1 y seru00e1 puesto a disposiciu00f3n de la Fiscalu00eda por varios delitos, entre ellos concierto para delinquir agravado y porte de armas de uso privativo de las Fuerzas Armadas.




El capturado hace parte de la lista de 21 guerrilleros que aparecieron en un video de agosto del au00f1o pasado en donde u2018Ivu00e1n Mu00e1rquezu2019,u2019Jesu00fas Santrichu2019 y u2018El Paisau2019 anunciaron su regreso a las armas.


u201cTodos ellos se encuentran identificados y sus nombres figuran en circulares de Interpolu201d, dijo Atehortu00faa quien recordu00f3 que por todos ellos el Gobierno ofrece recompensas a quienes den informaciu00f3n que permita sus capturas.

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Quienes estu00e1n bajo el mencionado tratamiento, por cu00e1ncer de pru00f3stata, tienen menos probabilidades de desarrollar la COVID-19 y, si estu00e1n infectados, la enfermedad es menos severa.


Esta es la principal conclusiu00f3n de un estudio liderado por la Universidad de la Suiza Italiana, que se publica en la revista Annals of Oncology; sus autores sugieren que la ADT (Terapia de privaciu00f3n de andru00f3genos) podru00eda proteger a los hombres de la infecciu00f3n por coronavirus.


Los investigadores descubrieron que de 4.532 hombres con COVID-19, el 9,5 % (430) tenu00edan cu00e1ncer y el 2,6 % (118) tenu00eda cu00e1ncer de pru00f3stata, explica en una nota de prensa la Sociedad Mu00e9dica Europea de Oncologu00eda, que seu00f1ala que aquellos pacientes con cu00e1ncer tenu00edan un riesgo 1,8 veces mayor de infecciu00f3n por coronavirus y desarrollaron una enfermedad mu00e1s grave.



n n Llama.n n



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Los cientu00edficos indagaron ademu00e1s en las cifras de los hombres con este tipo de cu00e1ncer que toman ADT en esta misma regiu00f3n y contabilizaron a un total de 5.273: solo cuatro de estas personas desarrollaron la infecciu00f3n por COVID-19 y ninguna muriu00f3.


De los 37.161 hombres con cu00e1ncer de pru00f3stata que no estaban recibiendo ADT, 114 desarrollaron la enfermedad y 18 murieron.


u201cEste es el primer artu00edculo que sugiere un vu00ednculo entre terapia de privaciu00f3n de andru00f3genosu00a0y el COVID-19u2033, asegura Andrea Alimonti, uno de los autores del trabajo.


El investigador explica que para este anu00e1lisis recogieron datos de una gran poblaciu00f3n de pacientes infectados por coronavirus y encontraron que aquellos que u201cestu00e1n siendo tratados con ADT por cu00e1ncer de pru00f3stata estu00e1n protegidos, aunque todos los pacientes con cu00e1ncer tienen un mayor riesgo de infecciu00f3n por COVID-19 que aquellos sin cu00e1nceru201c.


Los investigadores sugieren que incluso si los hombres no tuvieran cu00e1ncer de pru00f3stata, aquellos que estu00e1n en alto riesgo de desarrollar COVID-19, podru00edan tomar ADT por un peru00edodo de limitado para prevenir la infecciu00f3n, mientras que aquellos que se infectan podru00edan tomar ADT para reducir la gravedad de los su00edntomas.



n n Coronavirusn n



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nLas limitaciones del estudio incluyen el hecho de que los pacientes de cu00e1ncer con COVID-19 pueden haber sido sometidos a mu00e1s pruebas de detecciu00f3n del virus que los que no tienen cu00e1ncer, lo que podru00eda explicar la mayor prevalencia del coronavirus en los pacientes con cu00e1ncer.


El editor jefe de la revista donde se publica la investigaciu00f3n, Fabrice Andru00e9, indica que decidieron publicar este estudio porque proporciona un fundamento para evaluar la eficacia de tratamiento prospectivamente en pacientes infectados con COVID-19.


u201cSin embargo, el estudio no proporciona una conclusiu00f3n definitiva sobre el papel de ADT en pacientes infectados con COVID-19, y esta clase de fu00e1rmacos no debe utilizarse con este fin hasta que los ensayos prospectivos hayan confirmado su eficaciau201d.

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