Medellin today | Woman killed her friend for a debt | Latest news – Medellín – Colombia


Sonia Renteria lost the world when she was informed that her sister Idalia Renteria Palacios, a 36-year-old teacher, who was studying for a doctorate in Medellín, had been shot in the municipality of Bello, Antioquia.

That night of February 15, 2017, Sonia was in Quibdó and it did not occur to him that a woman who cried with her family and that he hugged his mother was the one who had sent her to murder.

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The news of Idalia’s death shook the Renteria Palacios family. They did not understand what she had to be doing that day, at that time, in the El Congolo neighborhood, in that municipality north of Medellín.

And far fewer understood why they had killed her. The woman had no enemies and, on the contrary, She was characterized by being a generous person and an unconditional friend, something that ended up being her sentence.

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According to investigations, Idalia had been summoned by a friend in that area to pay her money owed.

Being mounted in the taxi, a few kilometers from the destination, the driver got out of the car to change a 50,000 peso bill and it was then that the hitmen acted, who on a motorcycle approached the woman and shot her two fatal shots.

Idalia arrived without vital signs at the Marco Fidel Suárez hospital in that municipality.
Who did it? Why? They were questions asked by the relatives of the Chocoana teacher who was studying in Medellín.

(Further: Crying baby helped discover mother’s killers in 24 hours)

Murdered woman in Medellín

Idalia Rentería Palacios, a 36-year-old teacher, was studying for a doctorate in Medellín.

Sonia said that although the main suspect was the taxi driver that was transporting Idalia, things began to happen that turned the case around and led her to suspect Kelly Yohana Arboleda, her sister’s friend.

Kelly was the same one who cried with the mother of the deceased on the night of the heinous crime. The same one that stayed dawn in that house and that day after day he shared with the Renteria Palacios family.

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Kelly’s behavior began to generate suspicions in Sonia that same night, because He asked him about the crime when no one in Quibdó was supposed to have found out.

“At 11:30 that night my cousins ​​from Medellín called me to give me the news to tell me that they had murdered Yali (that’s what they called her affectionately) and for me it was a total surprise because she had finished seeing me with her and she never told me that he was going to meet someone that night and less for a silver issue, “said the woman.

There, we realized that the person in the house pretending to be afflicted was involved. We had the killer in the house

Kelly gave Sonia to understand that Idalia had a debt for some properties and that she had been called to threaten her.

“I was cold and believed her because at that time I did not suspect her”, remember.

And more strange things happened. During the burial, Screenshots of the WhatsApp conversations her sister had with Kelly shortly before the crime came to her.

“There, we realized that the person who was in the house pretending to be afflicted was involved. We had the murderer in the house, ”Sonia recalled.

At that moment of pain they were just unfounded doubts.

The family did not have sufficient evidence to incriminate Kelly, so both Sonia and her other sister had to hide and swallow their anger and resentment.

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The perpetrator owed more than 22 million pesos to Renteria Palacios for some businesses, to loan money, that the two women had

Thus months passed. When they saw that the Prosecutor’s Office did not call them, they decided to go to the entity themselves to find out what was happening. There they learned that Kelly was indeed involved in the Idalia murder, but there was no decision.

It was three more months in which Sonia had to see, day by day, her sister’s murderer walking freely through the streets of Quibdó and without being able to do anything for fear of damaging the authorities’ investigation.

And finally came the day. On June 23, 2017, the 28th Municipal Criminal Court of Medellín, with guarantees control functions, accepted the request of the Attorney General’s Office to impose an assurance measure in a prison against Kelly.

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The defendant, at the time, did not accept the charges imputed by the Prosecutor’s Office for the crimes of aggravated homicide and illegal possession of firearms.

But the evidence was overwhelming.

The investigation by the prosecuting body revealed that the defendant summoned the victim via WhatsApp at the place in Bello where she was killed, to allegedly give her 350,000 pesos as part of payment of a debt she owed her.

The victimizer owed more than 22 million pesos to Renteria Palacios for some business, of loan of money, that the two women had ”, said the Prosecutor’s Office.

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However, as Sonia said, the day and time she was supposed to meet the victim, Kelly was in Quibdó.

In the conversations between both women it was evidenced that Kelly had asked Idalia how she was dressed and asked for a photograph to see what clothes she was wearing, something the victim did.

Murdered woman in Medellín

Idalia Rentería Palacios, a 36-year-old teacher, was studying for a doctorate in Medellín.

She even wrote him that ‘the next day we are going shopping hahahahahahahaha’. He was mocked until the last minute “, Sonia said with indignation.

That was not all. “At the first hearing he laughed in our faces, mocking. He had no idea what evidence they had against him. She only went to three hearings because she was pregnant and that was her excuse to ask for a house because of jail, “added the woman.

At the first hearing he laughed in our faces, mocking. He had no idea what evidence they had against him.

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At the last hearing, Kelly was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison, something that for the Renteria family was a “gift of conviction.”

With Kelly behind bars, in a prison in Quibdó, for Sonia there is still no peace of mind. He assures that there are loose ends, unanswered questions and more people involved in the murder of ‘Yali’.

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“They never found the murderers on the motorcycle, the others involved have not been called to testify And I don’t understand why, because I know that the Prosecutor’s Office has all the evidence, which is a lot. So I don’t know what happens ”, concluded Sonia.


Read all the Solved Crimes stories

-The tracks that betrayed the perpetrators of the bloody massacre on the border

-Baby crying helped discover his mother’s killers in 24 hours

-The WhatsApp messages that betrayed the sadistic ‘Guarne monster’

-This is how the woman who planned the crime of her best friend fell and went to her funeral

-The horrendous crime of three women that was solved thanks to a USB

-The ‘movie’ plot that the publicist put together to cover up femicide
