Medellín could be the first city to go into containment


The epidemiology team of the Mayor of Medellín will meet this Tuesday, May 12 to analyze the evolution of the coronavirus and determine whether it is possible to move from the mitigation phase to the containment phase.

The Antioquia capital has been an example in controlling the pandemic in the country and on the continent, with 222 people recovered and only 60 active, in a city with almost 3 million inhabitants.

Also read: With biosecurity protocols, 12,210 companies will reactivate work in Medellín

The mayor of Medellín Daniel Quintero Calle, explained that the strategy has been to isolate as many contacts who has had an infected person and good citizenship behavior with insulation. He said that returning to the state of containment would allow reactivating new economic sectors with biosafety protocols.

“We are going to have a meeting with the entire epidemiology team and experts to look at and make new decisions regarding the state of alert that the city has. We believe that we could eventually move from a mitigation to a containment state. With a series of biosecurity measures, open up sectors that are closed today, “said the president.

Quintero Calle stressed that through the platform ‘Medellín takes care of me’ biosecurity protocols are monitored and the people who are authorized to leave from their house. As of this Monday, one million 200 thousand jobs were reactivated in the city.

More information: Computers donated to Medellin prisons for prisoners to talk to relatives

“We demand biosecurity protocol for all sectors of the economy. We have 85,000 companies that have already submitted it, representing 1,200,000 employees they already work safely, “he said.

In late March, the Ministry of Health announced that Colombia entered the mitigation stage because the epidemiological link of more than 10 percent of those infected was lost at that moment.

Medellín, in the last 24 hours, had only two confirmed cases, corresponding to a 60-year-old man and a 36-year-old woman, who they were already preemptively isolated.
