Measures in Colombia for Christmas and the end of the year – Bogotá


A litmus test for Colombia begins this Wednesday: celebrate Christmas with self-care and biosecurity to prevent the holidays from becoming the cause of a spike in infections in the coming days.

Especially because, to date, the figures are not at all flattering. This Tuesday, the country reported 12,526 new cases of covid-19 and closed with a consolidated of 91,129 active cases and 40,931 deceased persons.

The same Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, had warned that “These days the consumption of ICUs is notorious after the celebration of the night of candles, in the number of cases and deaths ”and that, therefore, it is vital that the mayors reinforce the measures for the festivities.

On the Bogotá side, there have already been adjustments in recent days. On the one hand, the peak and ID for all the commercial establishments and procedures returned from Monday and will go until January 15. Although, last night, the measure was lifted for restaurants and hotels, which had asked the District to rethink the measure, given its dynamics. On the other, tomorrow the restriction on the sale, consumption of liquor and holding parties in public space will begin.

If people relax with biosecurity measures in their right mind, imagine drinking alcohol. For consuming liquor, you take off your mask, you lose your care … We ask that you be the ones who protect yourself inside the house, and have all the self-care measures, ”Claudia López said yesterday during the announcement of the rule.

If people relax with biosecurity measures in their right mind, imagine yourself drinking alcohol. For consuming liquor, he takes off his mask, loses his care

As it is, after last minute adjustments, It was defined that from 00:00 hours on December 24 to 11:59 pm on December 27 there will be restrictions on the sale and consumption of liquor in public space. In other words, during this period, liquor cannot be bought in any establishment –but it can be purchased at home–, nor can it be consumed in restaurants or in public spaces in the middle of neighborhood parties. In addition, the restriction will be repeated between December 31 at 00:00 hours and January 1 at 11:59 pm

(You may be interested in: Changes in the restriction on the sale of liquor in Bogotá)

We cannot have parties inside and no one can take out a speaker or throw a party outside their house”López warned and recalled that the meetings should be of less than 10 people, who belong to the same family circle or home in which they reside, and should be moderate. During encounters, you should try to wear a mask, wash your hands and keep your distance.

With this series of regulations, it is sought not only to mitigate the contagion of covid-19, but to prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents and fights and violence, which can be enhanced by alcohol consumption.

(Also: More than 4.6 million people in Colombia already had covid-19)

I beg you, for you, for your families and also for the medical staff, that we comply with these measures. This has to be a much more ‘carroty’ Christmas celebration‘”, Asked the mayor and recalled:” If we do not control the contagion and the hospital and ICU occupation continues to rise, we are going to make the nurses, the doctors spend a night of’ squares’. ” The figures reflect the concerns of the authorities. Last night, the occupancy of ICU beds for covid-19 in the capital reached 61.2%.

In Cundinamarca, the general call is to self-care. But Girardot, due to his occupation UCI, decreed a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am between December 24 and 28 and between December 31 and January 4.

And, in other regions of the country, although there was hope that the Christmas and New Year celebrations would reactivate the economy, the increase in cases led mayors and governors to extreme measures (see attached notes).

(To continue reading: Bogotá raises the peak and ID for restaurants and hotels)

Medellín will stay at home on December 25

The entire department of Antioquia is under a curfew from December 22 to January 3 between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Similarly, there is a peak and a card to enter supermarkets, shopping centers and banks throughout the department until at least December 31st. The even days are so that those who have a completed ID card can make their purchases.

On odd days, for cards ending in odd. This measure, the authorities explain, does not affect circulation through the department and does not apply to going to restaurants. But there are subregions that took extreme measures for the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

(Also read: Abecé on the curfew and the peak and cedula in Antioquia)

For these two dates there will be a continuous curfew in Medellín, the Aburrá Valley (Barbosa, Copacabana, Girardota, Bello, Envigado, Itagüí, Sabaneta, La Estrella and Caldas) and the sub-regions of the East, Southwest and the West: from the 24 from December at 8 pm until 26 at 6 am That is, on December 25, only those who go to work and have the respective permits from the companies will be able to circulate through the streets of the department.

Cali, attentive to the final of Colombian football

In Cali and Valle del Cauca there is a special concern because of the Colombian soccer final, which will be played by América against Santa Fe on Sunday. Although the game is in Bogotá, possible celebrations by the fans could cause crowds. It is for this reason that the restrictions are more focused on that day.

On Sunday there will be a curfew and dry law from 9 pm until 5 am the next day. For the other days, the mobility restriction is from 11 pm and the dry law from 10.

(Also read: When can you get vaccinated? Know the phases and who will have priority)

In the capital of Valle del Cauca there is also a pick and a certificate so that the population can go to supermarkets and banks, like four months ago.
On even days, those with an even number finished ID may leave, while odd days are for those with the last odd digit.
The authorities of the Valley have called on people to avoid the celebrations, especially the fans of America, of whom acts of indiscipline have been reported in the last two Sundays, when it was the final and when the first game of this.

Barranquilla and Atlántico, with a curfew

In the municipalities of Atlántico (not including the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barranquilla) There will be a curfew from 10 p.m. on December 24 to 5 a.m. on December 25.

The measure will be in force again from 2 p.m. on December 25 to 5 a.m. on December 26.

And it returns at 2 in the afternoon of the same December 26 until the 27 at 5 in the morning.

Then it will go from December 27 at 2 in the afternoon until Monday, December 28 at 5 in the morning.

In the Barranquilla Metropolitan Area, which is made up of Barranquilla Soledad, Malambo, Galapa and Puerto Colombia, the restrictions are different.
In these cities there will be a curfew on days between 11 pm on December 24 and 6 am on Friday 25.

“The invitation is to celebrate at home. The best Christmas gift that we can give to our elderly and people who have comorbidities is to take care of ourselves to take care of them, “the leaders advised.

In Cartagena, for its part, it applies the measure of peak and cedula and there is a curfew and dry law in 11 neighborhoods.

(It may interest you: Colombia ensures 40 million vaccines against covid-19)

Recommendations to protect yourself:

The Ministry of Health has issued specific recommendations so that Colombians can protect themselves from covid-19 at the end of the year celebrations. The first is to avoid crowds, since most infections are taking place there.

This covers family gatherings and that is why it is requested that they be as few as possible and all from the same household. When these encounters occur, it is key, in any case, to always try to wear a mask, open windows to allow air circulation, avoid physical contact (not kisses or hugs), that food does not pass from hand to hand, not overdoing it with liquor and if possible use virtuality to meet friends and loved ones.

Closed spaces, poorly ventilated and without hygiene protocols are perfect scenarios for contagion with covid-19, since transmission also occurs by small drops in the air that circulate in environments like this, ”says the Ministry of Health.

The portfolio is clear that these celebrations will undoubtedly be different from what Colombians know, but it is necessary at a time when cases, deaths and the occupation of intensive care units have been increasing steadily.

