Mayor of Bucaramanga accepts resignation of officials surprised at a party


The mayor of Bucaramanga, Juan Carlos Cárdenas, accepted the resignation of officials who participated in the party.

“I thank you for your work at the service of citizens, it is human to make mistakes, but the law is for everyone. I ask all Bumanga residents not to lower their guard, to continue taking care of us and to abide by all measures that seek to save lives and recover the economy” the president pointed out.

Video: Officials of the Bucaramanga Mayor’s Office have participated in a curfew party

Those involved submitted their resignation after receiving a shower of criticism for their bad example by not complying with the biosecurity measures imposed by the same Local Administration, at a time when the region registers an alert for the high number of infections and hospital occupation.

“As mayor I am respectful of the institutionality. Upon learning of the situation of the officials who violated the restrictive measures, I spoke with them to listen to them, they recognized their responsibility and presented their letter of resignation that I accepted immediately,” added Cárdenas in his communication .

Apparently, the officials who left their positions are Ángel Galvis, advisor to the office of Mayor Juan Carlos Cárdenas and Andrés Villalba, head of Internal Disciplinary Control of the Mayor’s Office.

Diego Gallardo, a contractor of the municipality and also involved in the scandal, was confirmed not to have his contract extended.


The party took place on December 26 and although the officials maintain that they went home as soon as the curfew began, that that day was in force from 11 pm, those attending the place affirm that the meeting lasted until the early morning of the Sunday.

In the recording you can see Ángel Galvis, advisor to the office of Mayor Juan Carlos Cárdenas, along with Diego Gallardo, contractor of the municipality, and Andrés Villalba, head of Internal Disciplinary Control of the Mayor’s Office, chatting in a well-known bar in Cabecera, without no biosecurity measures. According to city officials, municipal officials violated the curfew and the Prohibition Law to continue with their celebration. “The officials of the Mayor’s Office arrived at the bar around 10:00 at night and the curfew began at 11:00 pm They had the bar closed just for them and they left almost at 2:00 in the morning” , warned a source that requested reservation of his identity.

It should be noted that by that date the bars were only authorized to operate until 10 pm, without it being possible for there to be a legally open bar after that time, not even behind closed doors. In addition, the sale of alcohol was prohibited after that same hour.
