Mayor convenes security council for murder of Katherine Martínez


Following the murder of cashier Katherine Martínez Sarmiento on Wednesday night at the Olímpica, located at Carrera 53 No. 82-77, Mayor Jaime Pumarejo Heins called a security council.

The president pointed out that the crime “cannot go unpunished” and sent a “solidarity hug” to the family of the woman who died while working.

The death of Katherine Martínez has moved the public, especially due to the circumstances in which the events occurred because she was working when, according to eyewitness accounts, at least two men entered the warehouse and, upon identifying Libardo de Jesús Parra González, began to shoot and Katherine was in the line of fire.

General Diego Hernán Rosero, commander of the Barranquilla Metropolitan Police, assured EL HERALDO that the attack was against Parra González, who was deported to Colombia in 2016 and established Barranquilla as his place of residence two years ago.
