Massacre in Carmen de Bolívar: a minor among the victims – Other Cities – Colombia


The Villa María neighborhood, Las Lomas sector, in the municipality of Carmen de Bolívar, in the department of Bolívar, was the scene of a bloody massacre that killed three men, including a child under 17.

“At 7:30 at night, two men who were mobilizing on a motorcycle arrived at a group of people and opened fire, initially leaving 2 people dead, including a minor. One person died hours later. The attack also left three more people injured, ”Carlos Feliz Monsalve, secretary of the Interior of the Bolívar department, told EL TIEMPO.

The wounded were immediately taken to the Monte Carmelo hospital in the town where the relatives tried to attack the medical personnel and the presence of the public force was necessary to calm the tension and protect the doctors.

“The first hypothesis of the crime is related to a territorial vendetta between drug dealers at the service of the Gulf Clan,” added the secretary of the Interior of the department.

The area of ​​the massacre in Carmen de Bolívar is a neighborhood occupied by displaced families.

The area of ​​the massacre in El Carmen de Bolívar is a neighborhood occupied by displaced families.

The murdered men were identified as Jesús Benites Pineda (18 years old) and Farid Luna Sierra (17 years old), who died at the scene.

The third fatal victim is Jorge García Barrios (37 years old) who was transferred to the city of Sincelejo where he died in a health center.

“Among the wounded there is one who has serious injuries and two more minor injuries,” Monsalve stressed.

According to the Police, Jorge García Barrios had two entries for drug trafficking, and had been captured in the municipality of Carmen de Bolívar.

This Tuesday, first thing in the morning, a security council will take place in Carmen de Bolívar; It will be number 13 this year for this region that today is harassed by the Gulf clan and drug trafficking.

The people murdered this Monday night are in addition to the 17 violent deaths that Carmen de Bolívar has suffered so far this year, as Mayor Carlos Torres told EL TIEMPO.

(We also invite you to read: Search for kidnapped teacher in Maicao, La Guajira intensifies)

All the drugs that are produced in the south of Bolívar reach the town of Macayepo and the high mountains in Carmen de Bolívar. From there, they transport it through the trunk of the Montes de María

El Carmen de Bolívar and the high mountain of Montes de María have been taken by the Clan del Golfo as a strategic corridor between the banks of the Magdalena River and the Gulf of Morrosquillo to mobilize drugs.

All the drugs that are produced in the south of Bolívar reach the town of Macayepo and the high mountains in Carmen de Bolívar. From there, the criminal gangs transport it through the trunk of the Montes de María, which the Army built and connects with the municipality of San Onofre (Sucre), from there the drug leaves directly for the Gulf of Morrosquillo by sea, bound for Central American markets and the Mexican coasts ”, he had told this media of communication, Erich Saumeth Cadavid, analyst on security and defense issues, and who accompanies the government of Bolívar and the mayor of Carmen de Bolívar in this crisis.
In their foray into this region, criminal gangs have recruited young people.

They took advantage of unemployment, unschooling and lack of opportunities, in the midst of the pandemic, to impose micro-trafficking and drug trafficking as sustenance.

Two massacres in Bolívar on the same day

This same Monday, at 1:45 in the afternoon, three men were shot in the rural area of ​​southern Bolívar.

The Magdalena Medio Police reported that the men were traveling on a motorcycle through the mining area of ​​Los Cagüises, jurisdiction of the town of Monterrey, municipality of Simití, in the south of the department, when they were shot.

“It is previously known that the victims were killed with a firearm and the bodies are lying on the road,” said the Magdalena Medio Police.

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