Martín Elías: Defense family claims that it was wrongful death and not accident – Investigation – Justice


Martín Elías Díaz Acosta, singer-songwriter of Vallenata music, known as Martín Elías, died on April 14, 2017, at the age of 26, in the middle of a traffic accident.

Martín Elías, son of Diomedes Díaz, made a presentation in Coveñas, Sucre. On his return to Cartagena, near the town of Aguas Negras, on the road that leads from Tolú to San Onofre, he had an accident.

Armando León Quintero Ponce was driving the truck in which the singer was transporting. The Highway Police at the time pointed out that the accident – which occurred around 7:30 am – was due to the poor condition of the road, added to speeding.

The initial expert opinion warns that Quintero Ponce was driving the car at more than 150 kilometers per hour, when the maximum is 80 kilometers.

(It could be of your interest to read: The evidence that would prove that the death of Martín Elías was a homicide)

Based on that opinion, it was raised by the Prosecutor’s office that it was not a traffic accident, but charged him with wrongful death for speeding. The imputation was carried out on April 10, 2018.

Quintero did not accept the charges, and his defense maintains that it was a traffic accident and that he never intended to cause the death of Martín Elías. In addition, it refers to failures in the medical care he received after the fact.

On July 27 of this year, this newspaper published the report on the automobile that was endorsed by the judge handling the case.

(You are surely interested in reading: This is the new decision for the hearing in the Martín Elías case)

The report was conducted by Automotores Toyota Colombia SAS (ATC) and concluded that the truck was going exactly 159 kilometers per hour until 3.2 seconds before the accident. And that at the time it occurred, it registered 116 kilometers per hour of speed.

That is the basic argument of the Prosecutor’s Office, added to the report of the Traffic Police to sustain that speeding was the cause of the accident.

The trial was suspended last week, because one of the parties registered health problems. The judicial procedure will be rescheduled in the next few days.

During the process, the driver’s defense even suggested that the body be exhumed to support their thesis that the death was due to medical negligence.

Key to the trial will be an opinion from the Police that will be brought to the case through an expert from the Public Force who reconstructed the scene of the events. The report mentions that although the road had potholes, there were no irregularities at the site.

Likewise, it establishes that the truck has no mechanical problems and that the traces of the high level of speed with which the car was moving remained on the ground.

The offense charged gives a sentence of between 32 and 68 months in prison, but according to the Penal Code it is exempt from prison.

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