Marta Lucía Ramírez invited Kamala Harris to a women’s coalition – Government – Politics


The Vice President of Colombia, Marta Lucía Ramírez, invited the Vice President-elect of the United States, Kamala Harris, to the International Coalition for the Economic Empowerment of Women that she promotes together with other leaders of the region.

(You can read: ‘Vice’ Ramírez defends himself and responds to Ángela Robledo’s trill)

Ramirez extended the invitation to Harris in a letter to congratulate her on her election as Vice President of the United States in the Democratic formula spearheaded by President-elect Joe Biden

“It will be essential to have the opportunity to share with you our programs and policies so that the recognition of the capacities and the incorporation of the work of women, achieve the structural changes required for the integral progress of our societies,” he states in the letter.

Fight against the effects of the pandemic

The vice president expresses to Harris that in the face of “the economic damage and impoverishment that the pandemic (of covid-19) has caused in particular to women”, several leaders created “an International Coalition for the Economic Empowerment of Women”, which she chairs. This coalition includes the Vice President of Costa Rica, Epsy Campbell; the executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal), Alicia Bárcena; the Ibero-American Secretary General, Rebeca Grynspan; the Regional Director for the Americas and the Caribbean of UN-Women, María-Noel Vaeza, and the former Foreign Minister of Argentina Susana Malcorra, among others.

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Ramírez explains to the US president-elect that multilateral organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) “have recognized the proposals and work of this coalition and accompany our actions.”

“I hope to have the opportunity to meet with you to deepen on these and other issues in charge of the Vice Presidency of the Republic of Colombia,” he adds in the letter sent to Harris dated November 7, the same day that the projections of US media named Biden as president-elect. Ramírez also expresses to Harris his “great admiration for his trajectory aimed at protecting the rights of the most vulnerable communities and people.”

Congratulations on the triumph

“I take this opportunity to congratulate you on being the first woman elected Vice President of the United States of America. I am clear that this means, first of all, a great responsibility to honor the contribution of North American women to the management of their country and open spaces that in the future allow many other women to occupy their position, as well as the highest dignities in the different leadership roles of that society “, she affirms.

In that sense, he assures her that her election “fills with joy and honors all the women of the world” who see that “it is possible with skills, preparation and effort, to break the glass ceilings that have slowed the progress of women and with them that of societies throughout the history of humanity. ”

(Don’t miss out on reading: Sweden’s strategy against the coronavirus that Colombia will analyze)

The vice president also underlines that Colombia shares with the United States a “democratic tradition and a commitment to respect private property and the fight against drug trafficking and crime” and recalls the deep ties and close cooperation between the two countries. .

Greater international cooperation will ensure a coordinated, efficient, and ambitious economic reactivation that brings more prosperity to the Americas

“Greater international cooperation will ensure a coordinated, efficient and ambitious economic reactivation that brings more prosperity to the Americas and I hope that we will work together in this and in various areas,” concludes Ramírez, who tells Harris that Colombia is “a wonderful country” that hopes to have “the opportunity to introduce you very soon.”

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