María Jimena Duzán also leaves Semana Magazine


This Tuesday, Semana reported that Felipe López will sell his stake in that medium to Gabriel Gilinski, news in which it was also announced that Calderón and Santos retire from the leadership and the presidency, respectively.

As a result of this, the magazine made public the appointment of Vicky Dávila as its new director and Carlos Enrique Rodríguez as deputy general director, movements that ended up causing a series of resignations of journalists.

Vladdo and 7 other journalists resigned almost simultaneously, group which Duzán joined in the early hours of this Wednesday:

“I thank Felipe López and Gabriel Gillinsky for the support they gave me during the years that I worked at Semana. I am going to undertake new projects that I am passionate about. I will be telling you“, He wrote on his Twitter account, without detailing exactly the reasons why he left the magazine.

Duzán was one of the magazine’s oldest columnists. Together with Antonio Caballero, Daniel Coronell and Daniel Samper Ospina they made up one of the most recognized and reputable opinion sections of the Colombian media for several years.

That was maintained until the Gilinski group bought 50% of the magazine, in January 2019, from which time began a series of editorial changes that triggered the double resignation of Coronell and the departure of Samper, in addition to the most recent of Ariel Ávila.

The strong shake in the magazine not only produced shock within the same publication and amazement in ColombiaSince it is a weekly that has been considered a benchmark for journalism, it even caught the attention of international media such as El País, from Spain, who wrote a review of the event.

That media described what happened in Semana as a “drastic change in direction” and recalled that Calderón, “one of the most respected investigative reporters in Latin America and winner, among others, of the King of Spain Prize for journalism”, only lasted a month in front of the magazine. It should be noted that Calderón was awarded last July with another of the most important journalism awards in the world, the Maria Moors Cabot, from Columbia University.

“Your news and reports have shaken the political power of Colombia in the toughest stages of the armed conflict with the FARC and during the transition to peace. Like many of its historical columnists “, El País writes about Semana, and rounds off its brief analysis with a survey:” Grupo Semana’s editorial strategy […] points to a turn to digital content with a bet on a sharply more conservative line”.
