Margarita Cabello explains why she said “our government” during her possession


Argarita Cabello took office as the new Attorney General of the Nation. Her closeness to the Duque government has raised questions in public opinion, but she insists that there will be independence.

What is the diagnosis that you have from the Attorney General’s Office that you receive?

According to what I have seen, I think I must go into the prevention part very deeply to avoid having to sanction.

What is your emphasis going to be?

I am going to prepare the team determined for the Special Justice of Peace in a more profound way, oriented towards the victims, which I believe is where we need more strength and reinforcement at this time.

How would you strengthen the role of the Prosecutor’s Office before the JEP?

We will continue to support them, I think there is still a lot to do. It is a task, I think it takes two years and a little longer and my intention is to strengthen it much more with a very clear orientation: victims, victims, victims. Protect them from every point of view

How do you see the role of the Attorney General’s Office based on this truth?

The four rules of the JEP are important: truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition, and we must focus on that. I am sure that when we talk about regulations, everything is never perfect, there are always gray spaces, there are always spaces to fill and there are many points to be completed. That has nothing to do with the importance that, once the truth is found, justice must be given and justice focused on the victims.

What do you think of the state of justice in Colombia today?

Analyzing in depth the problems within the justice system, which are many, and the problems of the vision of justice towards the outside, we have prepared a couple of bills for the reform of the law and the reform of the statutory law, there is much to do. You always have to improve and more now with these situations. Remember that I wrote the decree that could enable the exercise of virtuality in the judicial sector.

He has been questioned for the expression “our government” during his possession. This coincides with the question of what independence you can have from a government that has just emerged from and from a political project that you have created for a long time. How are you going to guarantee that citizens are calm in the face of the independence of a body like the Attorney General’s Office?

Just say something: I don’t see it as a slip. What happens is that polarization has us with that vision that they look everywhere to see where they find what they think or imagine. The government is ours, everything, for everyone. Any citizen has to talk about “our government”, so they already tried to mark it saying that I was speaking as if I were within the government.

Issues such as the case of Senator Pulgar from public opinion are pointed out as having a possible conflict of interest on their part. How will these investigations continue?

The processes, whatever they are, have to be carried out as I have always carried out the processes: with the analysis of the competencies to know if I am the one who should carry it or not. Second, with objectivity, procedural guarantees, adherence to the Constitution, to the laws so that the decision that has to come out comes out.

There are investigations into alleged actions in violation of human rights by the military. What is your look in general terms?

Whoever fails to fulfill his duties and whoever fails to fulfill his duties must be drastically punished. Whoever it is. In that we cannot be wrong. We will be very attentive from the point of view of prevention, to accompany and monitor so that these violations within the Military Forces or within any other group do not continue to be repeated, because in all institutions there are violations, but it does not mean that all the institution is lost.

“Margarita Cabello has been, is and will be an independent person in the exercise of her public function,” he said.
