Marches and mobilizations of September 7, 2020


Some of the announcements that have caused the most discomfort among workers’ representatives were that of grant a loan of 370 million dollars to Avianca and the issuance of Decree 1174 of 2020, which they describe as “labor reform” and which they assure will be the cause of job insecurity in the country.

The decision was made this Wednesday at a meeting of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), the General Confederation of Workers (CGT) and the Colombian Federation of Education Workers (Fecode), among other unions.

Julio Roberto Gómez, president of the CGT, added in Question Yamid that the unions are going to “Introduce the demand for the annulment of the decree” before the State Council and they will ask the Ministry of Labor to “convene the permanent commission of agreement” with workers, businessmen and the Government to analyze the document.

The mobilization will be national and on the occasion of the pandemic they are summoning citizens to go out in vehicular caravans, either by car, motorcycle or bicycle. It is scheduled for September 7 from 10:00 in the morning.

For his part, Gómez explained in the interview that they are not going to “commit the irresponsibility of taking people out onto the streets so that they can later be blamed for a collective contagion of COVID-19.”

The workers’ centrals insisted that they are waiting for the government commission to “analyze the emergency document presented by the National Unemployment Committee,” to which the confederations of pensioners also belong.

Some of the concentration points have already begun to be known. In Bogotá, for example, it will be in the National Park.

This call joins the one that some opposition parties are making on a new national strike for more than 10 reasons that criticize the administration of Iván Duque.


The reasons for the protest

Through the Decree 1174, issued on August 27, the Government regulated the ‘social protection floor’, which for the labor unions is the “most aggressive labor and pension reform of the last 30 years” in Colombia.

The president of the CUT, Diógenes Orjuela, explained in a virtual press conference that this rule opens the possibility of hiring by the hour and ignores other rights of workers such as subsidies and affiliations to entities for recreation.

“You cannot make use of so many opportunisms in the midst of the pandemic,” said Gomez, who added that the country is also going through a “very difficult” time due to the health emergency that has left 20,618 dead and 641,574 infected so far. .

“Advance a labor reform on the basis of euphemisms, as the situation is being handled now, such as that there is no labor massacre but now it is the minimum floors of social protection which, according to the International Labor Organization, those that must guarantee some rights, ”said Gómez.

For Fecode, this decree “precarious and eliminates pensions and allows hourly hiring, that is, it approves what Colombians reject on the streets.”

Government responses

Regarding the decree, the Ministry of Labor explained that it is not a labor reform and that what it is about is that people who receive a monthly income below a minimum wage have social benefits.

“Those people who receive monthly income lower than a current legal monthly minimum wage as a result of their partial dedication to a job or trade or economic activity, will now have a social protection mechanism, which according to Decree 1174 of August 27, is regulated as a Social Protection Floor ”, assures the Ministry of Labor.

Regarding the $ 370 million loan to Avianca, the government has said it will participate in the financial restructuring of the company in order to preserve the national air service.
