March to June 2021 it will rain more than normal


The Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (Ideam) reported that the season that began this third month of the year, “It will transit through the month of April, May and until mid-June it will have above normal rainfall”.

Given the situation, the director of the entity, Yolanda González, explained:

“These months will be very rainy. The Risk Management system and the public are recommended to take all preventive measures from the beginning of March given that as rainfall increases, both in the number of days and in intensity, the soils will become saturated and that favors landslides ”.

Therefore, he called on the local authorities, especially to protect the population that is in the vicinity of rivers, streams and streams to avoid emergencies due to floodwaters and thunderstorms.

Areas most affected by the rains in Colombia

The Ideam detailed that the most intense rains are expected in the Andean and Pacific regions; in addition, Ideam pointed out that the season is added “the presence of the phenomenon of ‘La Niña’, which has caused a considerable increase in cloudiness and rainfall in recent days ”.

Departments that should be alert for rains in the coming days:

The entity requested special attention in:

  • Collided
  • Cauca’s Valley
  • Narino
  • Cauca
  • Santander
  • North of Santander
  • Risaralda
  • Quindío
  • Boyacá
  • Tolima
  • Huila
  • Putumayo
  • Caquetá
  • Amazon
  • Guainia

On the threat of ground slides He said that they are likely to occur in municipalities on the Pacific coast, central and southern parts of the country.

For those planning road trips, it is recommended that they do so in the daytime and identify areas threatened by landslides. Further, “In areas that have historically presented instability in the land, it is suggested to the community permanent monitoring and seek refuge in safe areas”.

Finally, before the possibility of “sudden floods”Ideam pointed out that it suggests to the authorities a permanent monitoring of the rivers of the Pacific region, the upper basins of the Eje Cafetero, Antioquia, Tolima, Huila and Cundinamarca.

Finally, he recommended to be alert to the bulletins that it will issue and the possible alerts:
