Man who died in a car crushed by a truck was an application driver, not the children’s father


The man who died in a car crushed by a truck was an application driver, not the children’s father. Although the event is still a matter of investigation, witnesses affirm that the tanker was speeding at the time it fell on the private car. The tragic accident occurred this Friday, December 25, in the Sierra Morena sector, in Ciudad Bolívar, around 8:30 a.m.

Six people were mobilizing in the vehicle: the driver of an application, a woman and her four children. Initially it was thought that this man was the father of the children, however, in the last hours it was possible to clarify that he was not a relative.

This man lost his life immediately, while a child under the age of five arrived at the hospital without vital signs. At night, El Tiempo reported, medical sources confirmed the death of a child under two years, after fighting all day in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The other members of the family are still in the Meissen hospital.

In an interview with Noticias Caracol, Willington Chilatra, the children’s father, clarified that he was fine, because it was not who was in the car. Precisely that day he was waiting for his family, after his shift as security guard. “I lost the two children, I was waiting for them at the house”, said.

Man who died in a car crushed by a truck was an application driver, not the children’s father


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