Man was murdered on a public highway in western Bogotá


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The crime took place in the Santa Cecilia neighborhood, in the town of Fontibón. The victim received three gunshot wounds. Media indicated that the man had been killed for looking at a woman, however, his family denies that version.

An act of intolerance occurred in the Santa Cecilia neighborhood, located in western Bogotá in the town of Fontibón, where Norman Andrade was shot in the middle of a public thoroughfare. Although some media assured that he was killed for looking at a woman, the victim’s family denies that version.

The crime was recorded in a security camera in the sector. In the recording, the perpetrator is seen leaving a store in the company of a woman when he meets Andrade. The two exchange a few words when suddenly the man pulls out a gun and shoots him five times.

“The guy arrives at the place and meets my brother, they exchange glances and he immediately begins to demand that why is he looking at him. They say a few things and then go into the store. My brother stays outside having a beer with some friends. Then the murderer comes out, insults him again and without a word takes out his gun and fires five shots. He managed to give her three, “said the victim’s brother, Edward Andrade, in Snail News.

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According to the relative’s account, after taking the shots, the man gets into his car and leaves “as if nothing happened.” When the crime was known, some media had indicated that Andrade had been murdered for looking at the man’s partner, however, his brother denied the version.

“No, at no time did he look at her, because the first one to enter and insult him is the guy. We want to clarify that because some media have said that and it is not like that. Apparently what happened is that the man came in a drunken state, we don’t know much, but he ended up killing him in cold blood, ”said his brother.

The Bogotá Police are already investigating the incident and according to the victim’s brother, the license plate of the car in which the perpetrator fled has already been identified. The family assures that they are afraid that this person could also attack them.
