Man took advantage of visits to his girlfriend to sexually abuse his daughter with Down syndrome


A 40-year-old man was captured in Sogamoso, Boyacá, and must answer for the crime of sexual intercourse with a minor under 14 years of age in circumstances of greater punishment.

What did? According to a complaint, the subject was caught touching the private parts of a nine-year-old girl with Down syndrome. The youngest was the daughter of her girlfriend.

“It was known that the abuses had occurred on several occasions and that the last one, apparently, occurred last July in the girl’s home, while he was visiting his partner,” said the Prosecutor’s Office.

When the child’s mother made the claim, the man ended the relationship. Upon learning that the family had reported him, he fled.

However, the Police managed to capture him in a municipality close to where the crime was committed. For now, you must comply with the security measure in prison.


Often times, the sexual abuser is tasked with grooming the child so that his assault remains a secret. The actions can range from the delivery of gifts to the formulation of threats, which manage to sow terror or anticipate guilt in the little victim.

“He tells her that the family is going to be diluted if she tells the truth, or that her mother and her little brothers will be attacked. Every abuser has impulse control problems and surely commits domestic violence. That is one of the reasons for the child not to report what is happening, because he wants to protect the rest of his loved ones, ”explains Dr. Mónica Vejarano, who heads the Association Believe in You.

In a child, signs such as difficulty communicating, self-absorption, depressive symptoms, the decision not to share with friends, sleep or eating disorders, and anything that represents significant changes in their habitual behavior may indicate that they are being victim of sexual abuse.


  • 141 – Colombian Institute of Family Welfare
  • 106 – NGO Corpolatin
  • 123 – National Police

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