Man sexually abused a girl 62 years younger than him


An adult over 71 years old was sentenced to prison. Man sexually abused a girl 62 years younger than him.

It happened in Tuluá, Valle del Cauca, where the rapist took advantage of the proximity with his political niece to abuse her. The girl was 9 years old.

Read also: More than half of child sexual abusers are relatives of victims

“The evidentiary material collected by the Attorney General’s Office allowed a judge to sentence the man to 12 years in prison, as responsible for the crime of aggravated sexual acts with a minor under 14 years old,” the investigating body said in a statement.

In the trial, the Prosecutor’s Office was able to demonstrate that the currently sentenced abused the minor on several occasions. The first formal accusation occurred in August 2017, but only last week was the sentence imposed.

The judge issued a judgment against the person responsible without any benefit, although the defense appealed the decision.

This is how child sexual abuse occurs

Frequently, the sexual abuser is in charge of preparing the child so that his aggression remains secret. Actions can range from giving gifts to making threats, which manage to spread terror or anticipate guilt in the little victim.

“He tells him that the family will be diluted if he tells the truth, or that his mother and his little brothers will be attacked. Every abuser has impulse control problems and surely exerts domestic violence. That is one of the reasons for the child not to report what is happening, because he wants to protect the rest of his loved ones, ”explains Dr. Mónica Vejarano, who heads the Association We Believe in You.

In a child, signs such as difficulty communicating, self-absorption, depressive symptoms, the decision not to share with his friends, sleep or eating disorders, and anything that represents significant changes in his habitual behavior may indicate that he is being victim of sexual abuse.

Lines of support and reporting of child sexual abuse:

  • 141 – Colombian Family Welfare Institute

  • 106 – NGO Corpolatin

  • 123 – National Police

More Colombia news, here.

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