Man died from the sting of an Asian wasp, in Spain – Europe – International


In recent days, the Asian giant hornet has become very important in the world. The alert launched by the state of Washington, in the United States, due to the massive presence of the insect, caught everyone’s attention.

From the Vespa mandarinia (its scientific name) they are known to be very dangerous to bees and agriculture, and they can also be dangerous to humans.

According to Washington State University (WSU), “their bites are large and painful, with a powerful neurotoxic. Multiple stings can kill humans, even if they are not allergic. “

(It may interest you: Impressive: group of bees fought back and killed giant hornets).

However, In the case of David García Doval, 54, only one sting was necessary for him to die.

Last Sunday, May 10, the man was visiting some hives that he had in the city of Santiago de Compostela, in Spain, when it was attacked by the velutin wasp, the class of the Asian hornet that settled in Europe.

Its bites are large and painful, with a powerful neurotoxic. Multiple stings can kill humans, even if they are not allergic

Garcia discovered a small nest of Asian wasps near their hives and a sting occurred in their eyebrow. Minutes later, he passed away, ”said the local newspaper‘ La voz de Galicia ’.

The same medium assured that there is no certainty if the man had any kind of allergy that triggered his death from just a sting.

(Also read: A surfer punches out a shark attack in Australia.)

“It is not that the Asian wasp is more aggressive than the common bee, but it is larger, so its sting carries more venom and pain,” He explained to the Spanish media a you specialized.

In Washington, the authorities are prepared to prevent the spread of the hornet and, in the case of Colombia, experts consulted by EL TIEMPO assure that it would be possible for the animal to reach the country, which could affect national agriculture.

